Selection of Posted Readings

I post many readings on other websites. Here are a collection of my posted readings below:

I found by doing a Google search: "my steve9" a google search page came up, that I was the top reading. I checked to find on February 13, 2021 I had been lowered to second from the bottom link to psychforums. I found all my readings in one reading long collumn.

Below is a link to a reading on how brian endorphins levels due to mentally stressful school education. How students depleat endorphins leads to mental illness: Bipolar and/or Mental Depression.

Below is a reading attachment on how education and media intentionally have stories that merely happen. Stories are seen and told "as it happened". As it happened stories luck explanation to why events happened and that as events don't seem to have resulted in worth while conclusions, few after thought suggestions are being mentioned.

The forum administrater thought the reading didn't relate to Psychology, placing the reading in Just-for-fun. I suggest people's limited ability to formulate thinkable ideas are being influenced by limited to real life stories and classroom teachings, much the same as bible stories limits thought onto saving sinners, education and media stories encourage much the same self-programmed behaviours.

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