Moon Landing Lies Exposed.

Posted on January 24, 2021.

As religion pretended to have all the answers to life, promising an after death afterlife, self-appointed religious leaders pretend to have the attention of a magical god, now modern day political leaders pretend science is the moving forwards replacement to religious god's magic. Depending on listeners intelligence to believe what's being said, to me both religion and modern science have doubtful child intelligence to believe in headline statement ideas.

Watching large rockets launching into space, entering earth’s orbit. It’s relevant to know earth’s atmosphere under pressure has very much to do with fast burning fuel aided with liquid oxygen, rocket exhausts pushing against an atmosphere, expanding hot gases rocket engine propulsion. As rocket engine propulsion spacecraft's speed increases, cool atmosphere reaching hot expanding rocket fuel and oxygen burning gases, atmosphere expands further pushing spacecraft towards desired direction. Once spacecraft leave earth’s atmosphere, burning fuel aided by oxygen rocket engine propulsion has no atmosphere to push against. The speed of spacecraft entering earth’s orbit depends very much on earth’s atmosphere and atmosphere pressures, noting spacecraft are often seen launching from sea level locations close to the equator. Equator location spacecraft launching aided by the earth’s rotation direction of about 1,000 kilometres per hour. The largest most powerful rocket engined spacecraft ever built being Satin 5, on investigation Satin 5 reached earth’s orbit at speeds of 17,200 mph at 100 miles above the earth’s surface.

During recent Apollo documentaries produced after Neil Armstrong died, “When We Left Earth” and one or two other documentaries, Apollo astronauts have been heard saying “Apollo spacecraft have to leave earth’s orbit travelling at 26,000 mph to fall into the moon’s orbit travelling at 3,000 mph,” 65 miles above the moon surface. Buzz Aldren stated moon orbiting speed of 3,000 mph 65 miles above the moon surface. I speculate because the earth’s gravity is six times greater than the moon’s gravity, spacecraft orbiting the moon, spacecraft would have difficulty maintaining moon’s orbit 65 miles above moon’s surface without earth's gravity effecting the distance between the moon and spacecraft in moon’s orbit.

A relevant question is the 8,800 mph difference between 17,200 mph Satin 5 maximum launch speed and the 26,000 mph speed needed to reach the moon’s orbiting speed of 3,000 mph. One issue is that rocket engine propulsion has a limit of hot gas expansion exhaust speed. Gasses can only expand at given speeds often governed by liquid oxygen, spacecraft carrying too much liquid oxygen carrying more weight during launching, liquid oxygen increases spacecraft weight, that greater bang type explosions to create increased thrust consuming more oxygen have shorter burn time periods requiring more oxygen carrying capacity size of rocket spacecraft dilemma.

Newton’s theory of equal and opposite reaction, when a gun is fired, a fired bullet (mass being weight, led encased in brass) compared to the weight of the firing gun, determines the recoil action ability to push mass being the weight of spacecraft and cargo. A nineteenth century cannon firing a cannon ball has significant recoil relative to weight energy, a cannon firing feathers has no detectable recoil to relative weight energy, other than expanding hot gases caused by burning gunpowder coming out of the cannon barrel pushing against earth’s atmosphere, void of atmosphere hot burning gunpowder does noticeably nothing to recoil a cannon. Animals have no trouble running through earth’s atmosphere. Humans jumping out of planes wearing a para-shoot, as humans fall, the density of earth’s atmosphere under pressure limits para-shooters speed while falling to earth. Void of atmosphere on the moon, even though the moon is one sixth gravity of earth’s gravity, objects travelling at reduced speeds of moon’s orbiting speeds, best describe travelling at moon’s rotating speed of twenty eight days, moon having no atmosphere, objects will speed up to very fast speeds crashing on moon’s surface.

Many readers on reading above on realising they’re learning something new disputing existing beliefs, a fear of being wrong, witnessed by childhood school classroom students repressed fear of being embarrassed, that their brain has to process new ideas, many readers are going to say to themselves, “no one really cares” escapist comments, as to say to themselves ‘no other person is going read this rubbish so I like everyone else is not going to continue reading’, which is what ‘school education is designed to teach children, to teach children/teenagers to quickly react to fear to keep themselves dumb’ my frequent argument I’m trying to impress on readers. Their assumption that “no-one really cares” may have came from school friendship groups ‘group thought’ to have fun laughter and/or enjoying distracting sports enthusiasm after suffering daily school learning. All of which has been cause and effect analysed many years ago by government employee behavioural psychology analysts.

The reluctance to change, to learn new ideas, reflects political leaders allowing Covid-19 virus to get out of control, not taking viruses seriously, Covid-19 as merely a common influenza virus as Donald Trump likes to convey to supporters whom don’t want their fun enjoyment lives to be interrupted with new serious health concerns. Life is more fun being irresponsible, defying authority teachers, students corner cutting teacher assigned tasks, feeling better than to be responsible boring, while few students are happy doing all teacher assigned tasks to gain credits and teacher’s respect. The idea that the quality of school education depends on post codes, many rural districts students fail to gain good grades holding adults in farm communities to continue being farmers for their entire lives.

The difficulty in educated people wanting to believe “no man walked on the moon’s surface” reflects the difficulty in learning new ideas, experiencing analysing data, calculating numbers as though adults had to return to school, experiencing learning traumas.

Returning to no men have walked on the moon:

In a no atmosphere vacuum of space, burning hot gases achieves very little thrust as there’s no atmosphere for expanding gases rocket engines to push against. Navigating in space making small alterations in speed and direction, a weighted object (liquid) needs to be sent in one direction in order to direct spacecraft in the opposite direction, using recoil of forced out of jets liquid weight motivation. Liquid forced out of jets, providing little more energy than the weight of the liquid recoil power. Minor alterations of direction, with significant time for spacecraft to reach planned docking with other spacecraft locations, slow progress is achieved before docking with other spacecraft: Space Lab; International Space Station; satellites; Hubble telescope. Recently hearing that it takes six hours after SpaceX rockets leave earth’s launching platform to dock with The International Space Station.

Landing a space craft on the moon’s surface has new, I say are impossible problems to achieve. Using Apollo missions television documentary statements, an Apollo astronaut stated in spoken words, “Apollo spacecraft left earth travelling at 26,000 mph, in order to fall into the moon’s orbit of 3,000 mph”, “65 miles above the moon’s surface”. The time taken for Apollo 11 to reach the moon’s orbit was 4 days, 96 hours, I have read on the Internet the time was 52 hours. The distance from earth to the moon is about 240,000 miles. The Satin 5 rocket used to launch Apollo spacecraft into earth’s orbit, (the moon being in earth’s orbit) delivered Apollo spacecraft into earth’s 100 miles above earth’s surface orbit at a maximum speed of 17,200 mph. The obvious difference required to set off to the moon speed is 8,800 mph. Part of the media myth is Apollo spacecraft were slingshot towards the moon, I say is an impossible theory lie. 1970s spacecraft Voyager said to have past close to planets changing direction and being slingshot to increase speed theory are lies. A proper theory would be if a spacecraft was in earth’s orbit travelling parallel with earth’s surface all the time falling back towards earth, only the speed momentum allows spacecraft to merely follow the curvature orbit 60 plus miles above earth, once a spacecraft begins to travel further away from earth, gravity slows spacecraft from leaving earth, spacecraft falling back towards earth increasing speed, minor alterations using thrust jets of liquid weight, correct orbits can be maintained. Setting off to the moon needs the 26,000 mph speed to reach the moon as spacecraft are being pulled back towards earth. If spacecraft were not intending to enter the moon’s orbit instead travelling out into space, soon after 240,000 miles from earth, spacecraft would slow to nil speed, earth’s gravity pulling spacecraft back to earth, as Apollo spacecraft were falsely stated as returning to earth to reach earth travelling at 24,000 mph, would many spacecraft stated to have travelled to: Mars; Voyager spacecraft travelled past solar system planets and beyond; Horizon spacecraft travelled to Pluto and beyond: spacecraft probes landing on asteroids; all spacecraft stories are propaganda lies. That the few people realising stories are lies in some future time, maybe drawn into a “trust us we know listeners know too much therefore we (establishment) won’t mess listeners around”… ultimately massing listeners around, more about that confidence scam during another reading.

Imagine spacecraft having reached the moon, an Apollo orbiting moon module in moon’s orbit travelling at 3,000 mph, 65 miles above moon’s surface, Apollo landing module leaving orbiting module needing to slow down to the moon’s rotating speed of 28 days, as one moon surface area faces earth, moon travels around earth once in 28 days. I cannot imagine landing module could slow speed of 3,000 mph to say no more than 100 mph using exhausted liquid jets which when looking at Apollo landing modules shape and size where did landing modules keep the propellent liquid.

The moon is one sixth the gravity of earth, that a constant stream of liquid would need to be jettisoned out jets to prevent Apollo landing spacecraft from being pulled by a constant moon gravity to the moon’s surface, jettisoning liquid, preventing spacecraft from crashing on the moon’s surface.

If above reading didn’t convince you, when seeing Apollo 17 landing module leaving the moon’s surface, video image transmitted to earth by a camera held on the moon buggy whether recreated using animation or not, an explosion suddenly forced Apollo landing modules upwards. I would assume a sudden movement upwards, sudden G forces would kill astronauts. Because there’s no atmosphere on the moon, any explosion would quickly disperse into a vacuum and… on Google searching the weight of Apollo landing modules, Apollo landing modules weigh 15,000 pounds. Regardless where spacecraft are whether on earth or on the moon, mass weight is mass weight. When a gun fires a bullet, the bullet accelerates through a barrel as the gunpowder burns. The longer the barrel, the longer the gunpowder burn time rate. The shorter the barrel the least affective force bullets have. Apollo moon landing modules have no means of gradual acceleration as explosions happen, therefore in reality when Apollo landing modules leaving the moon explosions happen, Apollo modules merely shutter as explosions dissipate into space’s vacuum before Apollo landing modules are being pulled back by moon’s gravity on to the stand shown to be left behind in the fake video imagery, the seen Apollo 17 landing module was supposed to depart from.

The imaginary theory the Apollo landing module was suppose to leave the moon, liquid (held in unseen containers) forced out of jets, accelerate landing modules from 100 mph to 3,000 mph to dock with orbiting module 65 miles above the surface of the moon.

On seeing the few video images of the landing module moving in space, as the landing module (supposedly filmed from the orbiting module) sped up to the Apollo orbiting module travelling at 3,000 mph, landing module turns to dock with the orbiting module, no jet exhaust liquid could be seen in space, and as the landing module spun/turned to relocate landing module docking hatches, landing module suddenly stopped spinning/turning, no thrusting liquid in space could be seen, to me the landing module docking video image is faked. The other note worthy video image was when the Apollo landing module was moving away from the orbiting module seeing the moon surface rotating due to both modules were travelling at 3,000 mph, the Apollo landing module had no jet steam of liquid seen, and landing module wasn’t slowing as the 3,000 mph orbiting module speed maintained orbit, as the landing module was descending. As the video scene relatived to the moon’s surface rotation, being that the orbiting module is travelling at 3,000 mph, the descending Apollo landing module the scene looks to have the landing module speeding up to maintain video capturing through orbiting module window, landing module travelling faster than the orbiting module. You must see the video clip scene to understand.

During Apollo 11 mission documentary “When We Left Earth” astronaut Buzz Aldrin said Apollo modules on leaving the moon’s orbit, “fell back to earth on reaching earth atmosphere travelling at 24,000 mph”, the gravity of earth pulling modules in the vacuum of space offering no resistance. Could be possible modules couldn’t easily escape the moon’s gravity as modules being so close to the moon compared to earth’s six times more gravity pulling power than the moon’s gravity. That expelling liquid to redirect modules towards earth escaping moon’s gravity which modules needed to travel at 3,000 mph so as not to crash on the moon, significant liquid thrust to escape moon’s gravity seems to me difficult to believe.

Earth rotates daily to my knowledge with an equator speed of 1,000 kph, the Apollo 11 orbiting module splashed down in the ocean very close to an aircraft carrier who on board the carrier was president Nixon. If the splashdown was one minute too early or too late as calculated after travelling 240,000 miles hitting earth’s atmosphere at 24,000 mph, at the exact location, to open para-shoots slashing down within a short distance video recording equipment can record images from the aircraft carrier seems outstandingly amazing. I could easily theorise the splash down capsule was dropped out of a C5 transport military aircraft.

The idea that if the above theory was correct, “no man has walked on the moon surface” separate from government politicians media journalist would ensure citizens would read and/or hear about such government deceitful lies. Yet because media alerts citizens of what a percentage of conspiracy theorists people believe that “no man has walked on the moon’s surface”, the media fail to confirm “no man has walked on the moon’s surface”, the media hold true to citizens wishful beliefs that men have walked on the moon’s surface and the media would expose government conspiracies to lie to citizens desires to believe society is moving forwards theories.

My intention is to indicate the extent governments will go to in telling lies, to even double up on lies when lies are exposed as lies. As technical theories evolve exposing lies, government influenced media don’t dispute introduced technical theories instead merely introduce more unproven headline statements that lied events happened. “The more you say/repeat lies the more lies become true”.

Badly school educated traumatised population can’t understand progressive accumulated knowledge without adding emotional decision making avoidance behaviours into final beliefs.

Like training dogs using food rewards, human behaviours won’t confirm behaviours without brain chemical reward stimuli, that to repeat behaviours merely keep introducing reward stimuli for a period of repetitive behaviours, eventually withdrawing rewards allowing repetitive behaviours to continue, humans feeling rewards without needing to receive rewards as past brain chemical rewards continue in anticipation of future brain chemical rewards, psychological theory "Classical Conditioning". Few people can coup believing they as self-judged intelligent people want to believe they have been fooled.

Such behaviours begin with early aged children’s school introduction, years of mental stress self-medication brain chemical reward stimuli on achieving results most humans are using physical activity fuelled by stress induced cortisol fight or flight induced adrenaline repeated actions without intelligent thought in knowing when to stop repetitive actions, OCD.

More realistic reasons why men haven’t walked on the moon surface:

Astronaut space suits have layers on clothe with layers of that gold colour plastic material similar to material placed on satellites I assume is used to shield sunlight rays from satellite metal surfaces. I watched a short documentary on how a UK company was sowing space suits together. Astronauts wearing space suits quickly begin to swet as body heat can’t easily disperse into the atmosphere. Day time moon temperature reaches 125c, that’s 25c above boiling temperature. Apollo astronauts walking on the moon’s surface being in direct sunlight rays indicated by astronaut shadows, astronauts will suffer heat problems. On googling how astronauts stay cool under direct sunlight conditions, an answer post stated plastic tubes using a pump are pumping ice cold water inside space suits. Apollo astronauts said to have spent two hours walking on the moon’s surface. Because the moon has no atmosphere the concept of air-conditioning (transferring heat into an alternative atmosphere) can’t work where there’s no atmosphere. Apollo 11 landing module was said by Buzz Aldrin to be a mere two thin sheets of metal. I also noticed the landing module was box shaped rather than round shaped designed to withstand earth atmosphere environment pressures within the landing module. As the moon has no atmosphere, what heats up in sunlight, has little ability to dissipate heat in a vacuum. At least one Apollo landing module spent two days on the moon. On the last Apollo 17 mission to the moon astronauts went on a two hour buggy ride.

Watching video imaginary of the astronauts somewhat hopping around on the moon’s surface, astronauts have heavy back packs containing bottles of compressed air and I assume co2 gas removers. Add ice cold water pumping around inside astronaut suits used to cool astronaut suits. Astronaut suits are pressurised which I suggest makes walking and jumping difficult as astronaut suits become ridged. As Apollo astronauts kick up moon dust, I state there has never been rain falling on the moon’s surface as does on earth compacting sand into firm surfaces allowing walking on surfaces, compared to beach loose sandy surfaces. As 15,000 pounds of Apollo landing module lands on the moon’s surface, images show the moon surface is conveniently firm, Apollo landing modules don’t sink into a sandy surface. Also as the landing modules seen landing, there’s not that much moon dust/sand blowing away from the landing module. As astronauts hop around on the moon’s surface, astronauts don’t sink into the moon’s compacted moon surface. There’s just enough moon dust kicked up to allow images to look real.

Buzz Aldrin frequently tells his story of when attempting to depart from the moon’s surface, a broken switch nob became a serious problem. Using his ball point pen cap, he managed to repair the switch, leaving the moon. Any person cleverly telling lies, by adding short easy for listeners to understand stories, aids convincing listeners stated lies are true. Myself knowing this added short story increases listeners acceptance of lies, the added switch story should be considered as evidence Apollo missions are fake propaganda lies. Even Young Sheldon’s brother advised Sheldon when telling lies to add a story to aid listeners acceptance of a lie.

If ruler’s propagandists want people to believe there are no conspiracies, allowing citizens to practice in quickly reacting negatively to heard stated conspiracies, quickly replying “there are no conspiracies”. On news media reporting that many people believe no man has walked on the moon’s surface, adding a propagandist’s invented list of people’s Internet posted discovered filming easy to dispute theory mistakes. Propagandists stating there’s no credible evidence on investigating conspiracy stories, readers quickly accept all conspiracy stories are incorrect. Other future stated conspiracy stories will be quickly rejected as had been eventually done with fake moon landing theories. I state my theories are based on engineering impossibilities that the moon’s one sixth gravity to that of earth's gravity will be too much for space landing modules using constant volumes of liquid forced out of jets as equal and opposite weight recoil action on Apollo landing modules to prevent Apollo landing modules from merely accelerating to the moon’s surface with increasing speed finally crashing on the moon’s surface, the same equal and opposite recoil action has to slow landing modules from 3,000 mph to 100 mph. That Apollo landing modules appear not to be carrying any sufficient quantity of liquid weight propellant used to recoil/opposite action landing modules to slow landing modules descent sufficient enough to begin or at the same time, descending to the moon’s surface, Apollo landing moduals leaving the moon's surface accelerating to 3,000 mph docking with orbiting module.

One other consideration that being the earth’s magnetic field protects earth from the sun’s radiation and solar winds. Earth’s magnetic field protection extends about 400 miles above earth’s surface. Once spacecraft pass through the 400 miles of earth’s magnetic field, the sun’s solar winds particles pass through spacecraft shields and astronaut flesh. That most of the Apollo mission astronauts lived a long life before eventually dying of old age similar to other elderly people, it’s safe to say astronauts had no life threatening problems on having landed on the moon’s surface as though astronauts hadn’t landed on the moon’s surface.

The object of this reading is about providing credible discussion that media are not separate from whomever are controlling information citizenry use to believe democracy is real rather than a two party dictatorship limiting all other political parties, that the few political parties that does gain media coverage are merely more fake news scandalising leadership embarrassments the rise of minor parties that eventually fail.

Richard Nixon’s presidency was a positive influence on the process of transparency democracy, and so has Donald Trump news media supposed separation from media journalists when Trump calls CNN fake news, refusing to answer selective journalists questions. Badly educated citizenry fail to assume politicians role in allowing citizenry to feel rather than second thought performed perceptions that Donald Trump is one good actor media news creator, news media distraction from reality.

Planet gravity extends far out into space. The sun’s gravity extends as far as Pluto and further if there were any planet names to quote. Earth’s moon influences earth’s ocean tides. If Apollo spacecraft has to set off to the moon at 26,000 mph to reach the moon in order to fall into the moon’s orbit, media stories of space probes leaving earth’s orbit travelling away from earth, while being influenced by earth’s gravity, would slow down to a speed where space probes would fall back to earth.

If by chance space probes managed to leave earth’s gravity, travelling out into space using earth’s orbiting the sun speed of 67,000 mph momentum, once space probes travel away from the sun, space probes would slow/reduce momentum speed having been drawn back towards the sun, by an even greater gravity pull to that of earth’s gravity, being that earth has to travel at 67,000 mph to that of satellites in earth’s orbit travelling at 14,700 mph. Any space probe having escaped earth’s gravity pull has far greater problem gravity pull from the sun. Solar system planet orbiting speeds are slower the further the distance planets away from the sun are, yet any object travelling away from the sun speeds will slow, objects will fall towards the sun before objects can maintain an orbit due to speeds weren’t directed in parallel direction orbit with the sun.

Example of moons orbiting planets if moons were to venture out into space, moons would lose speed, moons falling back to planets increasing speed, that moons create an oval orbit around planets. Any space probe that left earth’s gravity venturing out into space, having managed to move away from the sun, space probes reduced speed, the sun’s gravity pulling space probes towards the sun, on space probes change of direction, space probes moving towards the sun, space probe speed increases to faster than 67,000 mph, space probe begins to travel away from the sun, again reducing speed slower than 67,000 mph, creating an oval orbit around the sun. Space probe orbit around the sun would equal earth’s orbit diameter measurement. As Mars is approximately one third more the distance away from the sun as earth is away from the sun, space probes cannot obtain enough momentum speed on leaving earth’s gravity to each Mars before being pulled towards the sun. Earth to Mars probes need to travel at a perfect speed on a perfect pathway to rondayview with Mars travelling in Mars own orbit at the perfect location for probes to enter Mars's orbit I say is impossible. Any speed and location calculations of probes and Mars are not 100% accurate.

When something of weight/mass is travelling at a high speed, changing direction becomes more difficult the faster a mass travels. Using equal and opposite recoil liquid weight expelled from jets would be difficult. To stop a given weight a similar weight jettison would be required, yet E=Mc2 meaning the faster an object travels the more squared energy is required to stop the object.

Space probes travelling at 67,000 mph, in a no atmosphere space imaginary rocket or liquid propulsion to increase speed, exhausts coming out of jets would need to exceed 67,000 mph to have any positive influence on increasing space probe speeds. As Satin 5 reached a speed of 17,200 mph, by reducing payload weight Apollo spacecraft, does not mean Satin 5 rockets could achieve significant increased speeds as rocket engine oxygen to fuel explosion exhausts can only push rocket’s payload weight to a lesser speed than rocket engine exhausts expulsion of hot gases. To lift payload weight into orbit Satin 5, 5 being the number of rocket engines, Satin 6, Satin 7, could have been built, yet increasing rocket engine numbers does not increase speed by the number factor of rocket engines.

I pose that the truth could have been, Satin 5 rockets were deploying large television communication satellites into earth’s Clark orbit. That mere satellites would not have created as much propaganda enthusiasm for technology as landing men on the moon.

An idea that thousands of NASA employed people involved in Apollo missions that secrets would be impossible to keep, that no man has walked on the moon, world media corporations would not print such previously printed corrections, individually when people are told of fake moon landings, that media would tell them lies, listeners learning traumas and beliefs that they can’t be fooled, "identity protetive cognition" listening people become quick refuters on hearing knowledge which disputes what they already strongly believe, thereafter become competitive to win arguments in not to feel like a loser poor self-esteem as had been felt during school learning years. The more argumentative evidence provided the more thought traumas experienced escaping thought traumas using verbal distractions the more doubling up on not wanting to hear nor realise they’re incorrect beliefs, nor to be bothered doubting media and governments whom are enjoying fooling badly educated citizenry. The behaviour of quickly denying people’s own intelligence ability to escape feeling school learning traumas of being found to be incorrect, feeling embarrassed knowing remaining class students are judging them dumb to be increasing their own self-esteem as does many hyperactive quick to answer students, secrets of no men have walked on the moon surface is very secure, as I have frequently experienced during my efforts of trying to convince listeners no men have walked on the moon’s surface.

Most people only want to get on with what they were doing in order to self-medicate and/or repress childhood school learning traumas, as they as school students had done after ending each day of schooling.


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Above is Apollo 8 last stage payload module leaving last stage booster rocket using non-burning liquid thrust, on the video as time elapses earth comes into the picture indicating the rocket module is in earth’s orbit. Above image liquid thrust without burning fuel and oxygen is the only event non burning liquid thrust can be seen.

Apollo 11 ascending from moon surface.

Apollo 11 ascending from moon surface.

After exploring the moon's surface, Armstrong and Aldrin returned to the Eagle to prepare for liftoff. The lunar module had its own propulsion system, and an engine to lift it off the moon and send it towards the orbiting command module. In this photograph, its ascent is seen with the Earth in the background, just before the rendezvous with the command module.

Above statement was printed under the photo.

The problem with the above photo is the earth is seen with the sun directly above the photo, yet the moon surface is dark nowhere near as bright as I would assume being the moon should have directly above full sunlight on the moon’s surface. Next the moon is six time more mass, six times more gravity to that of the moon, I would imagine earth would appear larger in the photo, miner evidence opinion of the reality of the photo. As the Apollo space craft is ascending towards Apollo orbiting module, I cannot see any exhaust fluid pushing Apollo landing module.

As there is no atmosphere on the moon there is no wind nor rain, rocks seen lying on moon’s fine sanding surface arrived on the moon as asteroids crashing into the moon travelling at many thousands of miles per hour. Such speed would leave a crater around rocks. Rocks appear to have been gently placed on the moon’s surface causing no disturbing influences on the moon’s fine sand surface.

Not happening moon landing conspiracy theories can be invented by people wanting to easily debunk conspiracy stories that introduced theories by NASA followers were intended to be easily argued as incorrect. I have theories which I can’t imagine can be debunked unless listeners are biased to believed what were previously believed, Identity Protective Cognition, Classical Conditioning.

Lunar mission flight path.

This graphic details the sequence of major events during the flight of Apollo 11 to the Moon and back to Earth, July 16-24, 1969. The journey begins with launch of the Saturn V from Earth (shown on the left). The trip to the Moon and the landing are depicted on the trajectory at the bottom of the graphic. Lift off from the Moon and the journey back to Earth are depicted on the trajectory at the top of the graphic.

Above below image of Apollo 11 flight path text came with image.

On returning to earth, Buzz Aldrin stated in When We Left Earth documentary “Apollo 11 fell towards earth on reaching earth obtained a speed of 24,000 mph”. Earth’s gravity would have seen Apollo spacecraft reach earth at the strongest gravity point Apollo spacecraft aimed directly towards the centre of earth, instead Apollo re-enters earth’s orbit like Apollo spacecraft never left earth’s orbit. If such a path existed as in above shown pathway, the speed Apollo 11 was travelling (24,000 mph) Apollo 11 entered Earth’s orbit travelling so fast unable to slow down, even with the use of Earth’s atmosphere Apollo spacecraft would have sped away from earth continuing out into space... Apollo module unable to slow down to maintain earth’s orbit 14,700 mph normal speed, Satin 5 obtained an orbit speed of 17,200 mph. As expressed above, rocket engines expelling hot gases don’t work in space, only mass force equal and opposite direction theory works achieving slowing and change spacecraft movement direction, that increasing speed or slowing speed has far less ability compared to being in an atmosphere using expanding gasses propulsion. I state Apollo 11 pathway from the moon to earth is false. Using the Weight propulsion theory, there is no sizable containers carrying weight propulsion liquid. As Satin 5 had large oxygen and propulsion fuel tanks to leave earth’s surface, on entering space no sizable liquid propulsion tanks to direct Apollo spacecraft to the moon and return to earth were seen. The above flight path image shows Apollo exhausting something to direct Apollo 11 in the planned direction. Because weight expelled from spacecraft propulsion needs more holding tank size than rocket propulsion tank size, due to no atmosphere to push against, expelling liquid to create an opposite direction thrust huge amounts of liquid would be required. Landing a space craft on a no atmosphere moon which has gravity that effects Earth’s ocean tides. Apollo landing modules on slowing speed to land on the moon’s surface less that 100 mph speed moon rotation a constant supply of exhausted liquid to prevent Apollo landing modules from crashing on the moon’s surface.

The pathway shown on above photos are arguably false, as to maintain an earth orbit say at Satin 5 speed of 17,200 mph 100 miles above earth sea level, to venture to the moon speeds of 26,000 mph were stated to begin the journey to the moon have happened to reach the moon at moon orbiting speed of 3,000 mph 65 miles above the moon surface. 8,800 mph had to be increased to travel to the moon. Fake wisdom states a slingshot affect happens increasing Apollo spacecraft speeds. Slingshot effect is fake science, as gravity has the same slowing effect on objects while travelling away from a planet to that of objects speeding up while travelling towards a planet. To believe an object stated as a spacecraft can be slingshot towards another planet is fake science, exampling why doesn’t earth’s moon slingshot out into space being the moon doesn’t always have a constant 240,000 miles distance from earth. Objects, satellites increase speed when altitude is lost, that increased satellite speed returns satellites back into orbit over shooting orbit heading away from earth, satellite slowing down, falling back to earth, satellite speeding up, returning to orbit, slowing down speeding up behaviour continues. In order to maintain an orbit objects require the correct speed travelling parallel with planet surfaces falling back to planet using planet gravity while maintaining same altitude with planet. Slingshot effect has a human hand pulling an object in the direction object is being sped up before releasing object, no such effect exists with gravity.

School education’s probable thinking children teaching data mental stress repression prevents children from experiencing logical ideas leaving children to assume illogical ideas are true, whom as grown adults when asked to think, having no answers, become traumatised, feeling better to believe fake mythologies, to who I find Adam Ruins Everything a pleasure to watch yet he failed to bust moon landing myths, that Mythbusters television series also failed to bust moon landings as lies to that meaning both are more of the same confidence in science fake propaganda news. The advancement of science and the fantasies, encourages children to spend more time and effort in school leading to higher education colleges to obtain a career in scientific tasks.

Above image is Apollo 17 leaving the moon surface using an explosion rather than exhausted liquid propulsion. The problem I see is Apollo landing modules weigh around 15,000 pounds. Mass is mass regardless weighed on Earth or using the same weighing scales on the moon’s surface. Above seen explosion would have sent the landing module off the landing stand/platform, the 15,000 pound weight is too heavy to be suddenly moved into a fast speed momentum, speed momentum needs to build up depending on power of motivation. Shooting a bullet out of a barrel a bullet gradually accelerates, the longer the barrel the longer time period the gunpowder explosion, the shorter the barrel the shorter time period explosion. Seen on the moon landing module explosion no barrel effect exists. As the moon is one sixth gravity to earth’s gravity landing modules could not have time to move to build up moving momentum before moon gravity pulled landing module downwards. As there is no atmosphere on the moon, any explosion would quickly be absorbed by the moon’s vacuum compared to that of earth. On earth, earth’s pressurised atmosphere would hold/resist explosions from moving outwards as quickly as explosions explode, the same effect as rocket engines push against earth’s atmosphere also added by rocket engine hot gasses expanding earth atmosphere. The next idea to consider is sudden G-forces may kill Apollo astronauts. As the landing module seen leaving the moon moves upwards no liquid can be seen coming out of the landing module. On the top middle image specks of colour can be seen, I assume as there’s no sound in a vacuum convenient coloured specks are visually indicating an explosion took place.


Posted on March 10, 2021. Next two paragraphs are worthy of a second read before reading about limitations of radio wave transmissions.

Television series Young Sheldon has an episode where Sheldon’s older brother explains when telling lies, adding supporting stories reinforces initial lies perceptions as true. Sheldon told several lies to get out of sports and PE physical education lessons.

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were leaving the moon, Buzz Aldrin told a story on how they couldn’t blast off from the moon because a nob had broken off an important switch. Buzz Aldrin came up with a solution, to use his clipboard pen cap to be used as a switch handle. If there were enough switch stud left to attach a pen cap to the switch remaining stud, their should have been enough switch stud left to grab the switch stud with bare fingers. How a pen cap could attach itself to a switch broken stud, I can’t imagine a pen cap could allow switching any more relevant to switching a switch. My belief is the story is no more than an added fake story to a lie attempting to anecdotally prove Apollo landing modules landed on the moon. Aldrin also told the story of how Apollo 11 had to quickly land on the moon while attempting to locate a suitable landing spot as they only had seventeen seconds of remaining fuel.

I pose there are many people “in the know” listening to media spacecraft in space stories aware of technical impossibilities, having great belly laughs at people whom believe these impossible story lies. Some time in the future laughable lies will be shared with people not “in the know” via a media outlet in order to attract their attention, sharing secrets for a confidence trick/scam “we won’t mess listeners around because we know listeners know too much” listeners will be messed around with scammed/tricked out of accumulated wealth, eventually threatened with harm if listeners complain to law enforcement of being scammed.

My next engineering evidence argument Neanderthal brains refuse to acknowledge is how radio waves have limited ability to travel long distances exampling mobile phones use many mobile phone towers placed within seeing distances from each other so mobile phones can communicate with closest available towers, moving out of range of towers’ radio frequency wave strength falls short, no bars on phones.

The sun has periods of sun spot activity, even though earth’s magnetic field protects earth from everyday sun radiation domestic radio wave communication noise often called hash, once radio waves are directed into space, on leaving earth’s magnetic field, the sun’s hash radiation will soon overwhelm radio waves.

Satellite dishes during the 1980s used to receive domestic television from the Clark orbit, earth satellite receiving dishes were often large something like two metres across. Stationed in Clark orbit satellites transmitted three gigahertz radio waves. A theory that below ten gigahertz a significant amount of hash noise exists, that above ten gigahertz the noise is far less. The past twenty to thirty years Clark orbit satellites transmit twelve gigahertz which is why earth receiving satellite dishes have reduced in size. The larger 1980s dishes required increased signal to overcome the sun’s below ten gigahertz hash zone. Old technology analogue televisions on unused channels showed significant hash in both vision and sound.

All this above information was to equip readers with knowledge that if probable spacecraft left earth’s 65,000 kilometres out into space magnetic field “magnetosphere” the sun’s hash noise radiation would certainly destroy any transmitted and received radio wave communications the further spacecraft from earth are. The earth travels around the sun each year placing the sun’s radiation noise hash between direct line of sight of supposed spacecraft probes.

The idea that a ten year journey space probe named New Horizon travelled to Pluto’s precise location, arriving at the precise time Pluto orbiting earth arrives at the same location in space is fantastically impossible. New Horizon space probe sending pictures to earth above ten gigahertz radio waves that radio waves would soon fade similar to how mobile phones fade being out of range of mobile phone towers once distance accedes mobile phone limited wattage power, regardless how large or how many linked together earth bound radio wave receiver dashes there are, myself expressing New Horizon and 1970s Voyager spacecraft probes transmitted radio waves could never transmit enough high wattage power radio waves that would be strong enough to travel many billions of kilometres through space taking hours to each earth.

Apollo 11 fake moon landing transmission scenes bothered to show Neil Armstrong first steps on the moon surface with a hash snowy ghosty picture to indicate to earth’s television watchers familia with such poor quality long distance from translator transmitters television viewing, the transmission distance from the moon was real.

I tried to explain to my retired primary school principle friend the impossible radio wave transmissions from and to Mars. My friend realising the argument attempted to drown my arguments by talking over me using NASA readings from the Internet fake technical data. Much the same idea that creating added stories to lies listeners and readers can understand, delusional understanding creates brain chemical positive reinforcement. The idea that once lies are challenged liars double up on expressing more lies with happy enthusiasm and/or fake Photo-shop pictures, positively reinforced by listeners’ brain chemical rewards of being intelligent to easily understand presented sentences with evidence of fake pictures. That technical cause and effect arguments are ignored as arguments are felt with negative reinforcement fear need to process thoughts within the frontal lobes which I speculate has many useless school learnt knowledge unrelated to intelligent analysing cause and effect causing learning traumas. That once people believe ideas there exists difficultly in reversing beliefs.


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