Beguiling Psychology.

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Posted April 18, 2021.

Mr X Watching Television Commercials. 

I know a man, born late 1950s, I will refer to him as Mr X. Mr X is an city of Sydney suburb A grade school educated man. Around 1986, Mr X was married to a N.S.W. small country town educated women. By late 1980s, Mr X’s wife was complaining how he (Mr X) never wants to talk to her, to have any type of conversation. She complained to me, he wouldn’t even stick his head up (Mr X laid on the living room floor in front of the television) while watching television during commercial breaks to say something.

In 1999, I was told by a radio broadcaster Radio National, a morning Life Matters program, a regular guest speaker said in this similar statement, “an unknown percentage of people use television commercials’ fast changing scenes to self-induce brain smart intelligence stimuli chemical rewards”, psychologists should say, ‘young children receive brain chemical stimuli rewards when children perceive correctly achieving physical actions and verbally expressing believed knowledge’. I assume because commercials have been seen many times previously, unknown percentage of people, including Mr X were remembering shifting/changing to next commercial scenes as portrayed, quickening judgemental reactions as though they were in a classroom playing teacher question and answer games and other teacher allowed communications. I asked Mr X why he bothered watching television commercials, Mr X said “there are information in the commercials” I asked “what are the information” he laughed, with no further replied information. 

Around 1990, Mr X’s wife had forced Mr X out of the house after her finding and confirming a long term relationship with a new boyfriend. Mr X was so devastated by the marriage breakup, he began taking increasing quantities of doctor prescribed feel good medicating depression drugs. By the year 2000, according to Mr X, Mr X was taking the strongest anti depression drugs his psychiatrist could prescribe. During evenings Mr X consumed quantities of cask wine, during one occasion of very few occasions I was present, I witnessed Mr X consumed so much wine, while he was talking, he could barely be understood.

Unemployed Mr X due to Keating’s recession since 1992, I don’t know when he managed to obtain a disability pension due to his psychiatrist mental depression diagnoses. I asked Mr X how he only had to tell himself he was smart, his brain gave him a boost of brain chemical endorphins and/or dopamine stimuli charge, that he was merely fooling himself, which Mr X again laughed, Mr X replying “I didn’t care, I only wanted to feel good”, Mr X stating “I’m into believing in the self-esteem movement”. During asking questions, I asked Mr X about feeling normal, Mr X replied “I doesn’t want to feel normal, I wants to feel better than normal”.

That one Mr X tactic was to watch fast moving changing scenes television commercials, my conclusion, making judgements as though he was in a classroom of students playing teachers question and answer games, (as stated above), and other teacher competitive knowledge challenges. To Mr X, classroom games were an adrenaline buzz brought on by increasing work stress cortisol yet only to medicate stress with delusional beliefs of intelligence for answering simple short data questions, exercising denial (repressing memories) when found to be incorrect.

Mr X is keen to expose the not so intelligent people for their mistakes, Mr X often sent me emails of phone camera photos of people’s motor vehicles tyres parked on the parking boundary white lines. I suggest Mr X was boosting his self-esteem by criticising people’s mistakes at the same time ignoring his own faults, not doing anything constructive in fear of not knowing what to do, finding himself making mistakes, repressing torturous thought. Mr X conversations are generally short, one line statements without wanting to delve deeper into why people behaviour poorly.

My conclusion is that due to quick and easy digital video editing, commercials quick changing scenes have become shorter increasing quickness between scenes subconsciously to those people whom watch commercials, speeding up watching reactions and for many commercial watchers speeding up chemical judgemental stimuli. People don’t think, merely refreshing past judgements to experience previously felt rewarding stimuli. Many main channel prime time entertainment programs use the same quick changing scenes to portray hyperactive enthusiasm for competitive program activities. I suggest many teenagers and adults find fast moving audience cheering competitive actions entertaining. Such people unaware and probably uncaring that thinking skills are being degraded to fast assumption child intelligence emotional gratification simplistic thoughts.

My theory that Shakespeare plays were designed to simplify human intelligence using murder plots and royal political intrigue stories, replacing Catholic religion bible and saint miracle stories. Modern media’s limited rolled over news story themes and fiction stories, every participant watcher can understand. To many people such stories are too slow, have no stimulating experiences, whom would rather watch: comedy one-line statements hearing background laughter inducements; fast moving sports and/or competitive games to self-induce brain chemical rewarding enthusiasm, believing judgements are intelligent, boosting self-esteem, as had been done while attending school classroom anti stress self-medication teacher bantering opportunities.

I personally won’t watch television programs containing commercials unless I use PVR shift function to zip through commercials. I don’t watch any programs which have studio audiences participation applause and laughter irritants. I suggest media programs break audiences train of thought using: commercials; actors one line statements; audience applause and frequent (almost at every end of sentences) background laughter; background classical music; fight scenes; chase scenes; etc.. 

My point being that School education wasn’t designed to increase human intelligence, instead create a non thinking citizenry whom like children, children believe what adults say is true, children grown into adults, don’t question political leaders desires to maintain political power by exposing their human frailties by exposing their frequent mistakes, using scandal after scandal and poor political process, which I state allows people to believe if anything bad was happening citizenry would eventually hear about bad behaviours and past wrong doing events.

I personally can’t stand fast scene changes, pointless statements about their personal beliefs on what may have happened which contains limited intelligence. I tend to believe I listen for key words to stimulate an increasing awareness and may backtrack heard words to formulate any meanings, else/otherwise everything heard is merely forgotten. To remember such pointless junk, human brains would remember pointless conclusions to be more important than what conclusions really are. 

To conclude, a one liner statement is a statement that has no thinkable relationship with previous statements, exampling: Peter has brown hair. Peter lives in a house. Peter has a girlfriend. Gary wears blue jeans. All statements have no progressive thinkable relationships. Also scenes changing from person to person state the same information statements using new worded scripted sentences. I example how no man has walked on the moon’s surface, attempting to explain the moon has no atmosphere for rocket engines to push against, the moon’s gravity will accelerate landing modules towards the moon crashing on the moon’s surface once landing modules have slowed down from orbiting speed of 3,000 mph to moon rotation speed of less than 100 mph, that mere amount of information not heard previously, judgemental fear to be found incorrect as though requiring a response to a teacher’s question, listeners’ brains can’t calculate, brains become fearful experiencing thought, scanning for memories people don’t have. Homo-Sapien thought has been hijacked by school education’s need for short data statements and media’s one line statements scripted story lines. As children mostly communicate with children, communication skills fail to advance. School teachers are merely filling student brains with useless data.

On attempting to discuss with Mr X, moon landings and other space travel media stories to provide arguments that media are telling lies, that school education has denied students an ability to process intelligent thoughts, Mr X refuses to participate, quickly stating he doesn’t care.

During mid 1980s, my mother had a short conversation with Mr X’s wife, My mother said “she was boring to talk to”

Another woman I know in year 1986 after spending an evening with Mr X’s wife said “she was boring to talk to” got angry at me for introducing Mr X’s wife to her. Mr X’s wife was a conversationalist I also avoided talking to. On recently (year 2020) mentioning this fact to Mr X that people didn’t want to talk to her, that she was very boring to talk to. Mr X stated some other person had made the same claims about his ex-wife.

I conclude Mr X was more suffering from depression due to his personal pride of losing his wife, than losing a conversational friend relationship with his wife. His marriage was more a delusion of being married with children than having some person to relate to, to talk to. As Mr X uses short statements often criticising something related to some person, often a politician, events being described from Internet readings, Mr X has few things to say, so his boring to speak to wife was mostly being ignored, giving her something boring to speak about to other people.

As children come home from school, on listening to media news stories, what’s being heard is believed to be true. The need to understand simple information as true raises self-esteem of being intelligent. School teachers year three and four question and answer games, resembling media program question and answer games exampling The Chase, very few ideas needs to thought out, formulates a child-like belief of intelligence. When occasions of financial decision making are required, school educated people tend to use wishful thinking to aid deciding what to decide.

When questioning political leaders motivations to report continued scandals to why many scandals somewhat indicates transparent democracy governments are real rather than fake propaganda, school educated listeners are more likely to feel incorrect questioning information as fake news, being fed to them confusing existing beliefs, resulting in feeling teacher questions have been answered incorrectly. The Adam Ruins Everything video scene on “Identity Protective Cognition”, where correcting misconceptions actually strengthens people’s beliefs, is not what I believe is a natural human learning behaviour instead a school self-learnt programmed behaviour derived from teacher question and answer games competition where students endure fear of being incorrect humiliation seen by remaining classroom students judgements, and answering teacher questions correctly self-esteem boost brain chemically rewarded stimuli. After behaviour have been programmed into children’s behaviours, years of continued mental stresses, believing unrealistic beliefs of intelligence based on easy to remember short one line statement beliefs fuels future opportunities to practice judging themselves intelligent when opportunities become apparent, exampling reading one line statement rolled over theme news stories including judging sports game scoring points.

Presently, year 2021, Mr X appears more normal as to say still consumes medicating depression drugs, seems less enthusiastic about watching commercials, enjoys watching basketball matches. 


Below was first posted on January 30, 2021. Since that first post continued alterations have happened.

For the past forty years, I have been watching most television documentaries. During the first fifteen years the television channel showing documentaries had no interrupting commercials which further encouraged watching. When narrators introduce human bones to be examined I immediately change channels. Bones can easily be faked, history storys get stalled while the narrator asks questions to the bone examination expert.

One of the most memorable short series of documentaries was “In Search Of Shakespeare”. The narrator Michael Woods mentioned how hundreds of schools were built to educate children during England's Queen Elizabeth's the first rule, that children spent around twelve hours per day six days per week six AM to six PM often extended to more hours, I assume wealthy land owners sent their children to boarding schools. Punishment was severe for all manner of reasons. School education was a way to get ahead in a British government bureaucratic system. Michael Woods also expressed Greek and Latin were being taught and Shakespearian plays were being learnt, coached, directed and performed. My assumption being if Greek and Latin were stressful to learn, Shakespeare were least stressful to learn and perform, students would feel more positive rewards Clasical Conditioning, that once students having left schools, adults would feel positive stimulation brain chemical rewards remembering and attending Shakespearian play performances, in much the same way as today many adults enthusiastically attend ball chasing sports. Many theatre performance companies toured Britian performing plays of many play writers, I could assume many plays were credited to Shakespeare then or soon after, the name Shakespeare increased audience attendances. The idea of theatre performances murder story and serious royal leader political misdirection discussions distraction goes back to Greek tragedies, in modern media citizenry are fed constant news on scandals mostly about politicians personal behaviours and unpopular opinions, that citizenry are least likely to engage in seeking poplitical office after realising pointless repetitive arguments. An adult culture behaviour of not wanting to learn anything seemingly boring information in detail, discourages most citizenry from caring about serious information, that most modern society people need to self-medicate existing school learning traumas with their self-esteem using recognising and engaging in fun laughter and/or sports enthusiasum activities. 

My theory would be that European Kings and Queens were in fear of being: overthrown; peasant rebellions; street protests about rising costs., particularly during food shortages due to poor seasonal grain crops. Eliglish population consumed grain base ale alcohol and/or beer believing alcohol sterilze water, seems to have missed the idea of boiling water for drinking. I suggest a fear of creating a middle class business management community and a bureaucratic system with educated people capable of intelligent thought was a danger to royalty ruling classes, yet traumatising an educated middle class, to fear disobeying authority, could work to ruling classes advantage. During king Henry the VIII there were two sets of laws, the king's law and the Catholic Church's set of laws. King Henry made himself the head of the church, pensioned off monks and sold acquired church land to the nobility. The Cathilic Church provided ceremonial distraction performances and religious stories which had to be known by children or parents would be in trouble. I theorise once the hated by many citizenry Catholic Church was gone, a vaccum from controlled thought preventing peasants from realising intelligent thought distraction, meant a replacement distraction had to be introduced, that replacement distractions were theatre plays, that such distraction mechanism would need to be written by persons of the correctly educated nobility, which is why selective media state many theories to whether a man named Shakespeare wrote many play performances and other useless to intellignet awareness writings.

The Catholic Church stated believers could commit as many sins as believers desired, yet before believers die, believers must have the last rights performed in order to enter a place called purgatory, endure penance for life's sins. If a will stated money and/or property were to be given to the Catholic Church to pay for priests and monks to perform masses, sinners could move on to heaven earlier. By assuring parents taught their children Catholic Church stories and beliefs about: accumulated sins; purgatory; heaven; hell; other bible stories., wealthy Catholics willed much of thier wealth to the Catholic Church. English king Henry the seventh will is described in the below website attachment, a good death, I strongly recommend watching.

The object of the above documentary were to indicate once young children believe something to be true, beliefs are difficult to change as there would be an emotional attachment reinforcing beliefs humans find impossible to repress, that even kings once having been told rediculous ideas can't unbelieve rediculous ideas. School education is believed good for children yet humans can't consider recognising negative reinforcement teaching for too longer hours human long term behavioural consequences. Once children become: delusional; overly hyperactive; definant; obsessive; talks too much; talks too little; asks too many stupid questions; doesn't ask any questions; avoids listening to parental instructions; likes to steal objects; tells lies to entertain themselves... parents should explain how continued behaviours create poor outcome charaters many intelligent people find repelling. As most parents are taught to avoid intelligent ideas, parents invent excuses not to take any notice, doing nothing to improve their children's behaviours. Poor behaviours of parents, concuming alcohol, etc., become children's life long behaviours.

During the middle of the nineteenth century, England built several large asylums to house an increasing wealthy middle class of psychological mad/insane people, middle class families wealthy enough to pay for confining rooms and care. This idea was shown in one episode of “Great British Railway Journeys”. My added theory that ten to twelve hours a day, six days a week of school studying Greek and Latin, doing what I am communicating in my main page "bad education", main reasons being to increase psychological disabling of human homo-sapien intelligences to increase centralised government means of misleading citizenry using lies and propaganda, particularly during periods of war, defending citizenry freedoms from foreign enemies even though most British working class lived in absolute poverty politically blamed on frequent economic crises lies, that the wealthy controlled governments, that money was worth more by purchasing cheap labour the poorer the working class were. Keeping working class males work exhuasted and spare time drunk on cheap alcohol discussing political scandals in alcohol drinking venues increased the poor realisation of what was being done. For the working class to free the self from proverty children had to perfrom good grades at government controlled schools under prescribed academic curriculum learning Greek and Latin, only did one school during 1840s begin to teach more relevant learning subjects more reflective to skilled work. I witnessed a statement during an Australian documentary that 1930s university law students had to learn Latin before students were allowed to learn law, all at the expense of university fees.

My next theory being that during 1800s, because many people were complaining how very little was being done to prevent mental illnesses, (same complaints exist today) that people with thinking skills similar to myself were blaming long hours of forced school education were sending children and teenagers mad/insane showing mental illness behaviours in many educated adults. Ruling classes recruited people within the medical profession to formulate incorrect theories, one person I suggest was Sigmund Freud, name almost spelt as fraud. To that era thereafter any persons wishing to begin a career in psychology will need to attend a school education institution, avoid becoming mad with delusional beliefs, on studying ruling class controlled education institutions supplied poorly explained as well as false misdirection psychology theories whom obtained a diploma/degree in psychology, would only state learnt theories regarding mental illness redirecting any cause/blame related to ruling class establishment government controlled school education. Such not to blame school education for mental illnesses manipulation controls continue today.

As long as there have been rulers of populations, I would easily assume rulers would use every method to control populations: beliefs; desires; hold populations intelligence ability to as child-like behaviours and limit human free will homo-sapien thinking ability as possible without populations being aware of what true intelligence ability humans could obtain.

Old religions' teachings and parable stories have proven over time using limited themes limit believers thinking capacity.

Modern media: murder stories; crime; soft sex love stories... provide limited examples to aid solving modern life problems. Many media stories create example roll models for people whom would have little to say being that much of their lives have been spent on controlled information school work studying, that after school days end, being aware of school work mental stresses, spending the remaining time avoiding any advanced homo-sapien thinking evaluation and advancement of their environment, instead keeping themselves dumb using sports and other adrenaline fuelled physical hyperactivites, self-medicating distractions including: bulling; crime; sexual abuse; narcissum; reinforced group thought activities.

I notice many adults have on meeting friends default laughing happy smiling face shaking hands hugging behaviours. When much of the behaviours have been exhausted, I speculate anxiety fear of not knowing what to do next begins an escapist "got to go" behavours. Where I can talk about many things, begin discussions, listeners are keen to escape, I speculate adults learning behaviour responses as children, school teachers talking too fast about ideas children weren't capable of quickly processing ideas into memories without feeling degrees of trauma, which thereafter traumas could last for hours, teachers curriculum subjects changing subjects to hear entirely different ideas. Children can't use school curriculum subjects information as conversational topics with other children as children would not want to continue learning school traumatising learning material, nor parents whom themselves don't care to talk about school learnt topics as they may feel their own childhood teenager school traumatising repressed memories.

The only real difference between long hours of Elizabethan schooling are that modern schooling fewer hours allows children to self-medicate using dumbing activites that weren't available during previous centuries: park play grouds; sports fields; listening to music; television and radio controlled information broadcasts; even big ideas braodcasts control information using ideas like climate change.

Psycholgy is about diagnosing people's dysfunctional behaviours and depressions, etc., mental stress causes children to self-medicate using tactics (many tactics being avoidance) that can be dysfunctional, that due to children's poor communication skills with other people, few children know how to correctly know how to behave. Sports enthusiasm is a behaviour where attention is directed towards games of players chasing balls, sports. I'm aware many people whom follow sports won't want to believe sports is a form of escapism from reality forced upon children by school academic learning memory traumas. Children to adults avoid talking to people using intelligent conversations, as the quality of media broadcasters, audiences listen to media news, news media ofter use political events, events are so frequently stated there is lttle room for added opinions and that if there were spoken opinions, listeners whom are frequently competitive would attempt to win an arguement by inventing something or merely change the conversational topic, try to invent lies, believing fooling the person with fake stories gives them as liars a childhood felt self-esteem chemical stimuli boost.

My first page 17,200 words reading on school "bad education" should be good reading to further explain why government education is not good for healthy psychological behaviours.

Early February 2021 I watched an Australian government financed ABC old Open Learning program, more than a decade ago I believed was worth recording: "Discovering Psychology with Philip Zimbardo". I somewhat believe I edited the program down to a two hour DVD disc. Philip Zimbardo as narrator expressed childhood learning behaviours expressions which I can't dispute, child learning ages examples being rather basic that intelligent parents could formulate. Old black and white film researchers developed theories indicating ideas which I have no reason to doubt, yet I state that in all the psychological conditioning being meantioned barely any mention of brain chemical stimuli was heard. No mention of brain chemical endorphins nor dopamine nor opioid nor adrenaline nor cortisol fight or flight induced behavours which I associate school students have meaningful problems. A rat running through a maze leading to food rewards and pigons pecking at ojects to obtain food rewards all seems worthy of mentioning yet no relation/association to school learning bar a single comment which must have been so futile I have failed to remember what the comment was. The one out standing idea was by remembering ideas and information has largely to do with rewarding stimuli or at least no stimuli reward at all, yet to feel punished, memories are soon lost. I'm not saying don't bother investigating the Discovering Psychology Zimbardo learning program, I merely stating the program falls short of anything worthy relating to making criticising comments on school education.

I believe higher education institutions educates psychology theories which redirect, fail to associate mental illness depression PTSD to long hours of cognitive overload data memory schooling. Fails to indicate Ideas of students self-medicating self-induced brain chemical delusions to aid repressing cognitive overload difficult to listen to adult teachers adult speed chalk and talk teacher colleges prescribed learning technics. Fails to dispute ideas that students playing sports aids student learning, further failing to state playing sports is little more that human avoidance tactics, dumb Neanderthal quick emotional decision making based on variations of what visual immages are believed to be seen judgements.

One Zimbardo black and white narrated lesson was "Little Albert". If readers Google: "little albert experiment" a selection of readings on eleven month old baby having been shown a number of furry animals baby showing a curious interest in animals, a loud irritating noise was introduced at the same time animals were present, the baby learnt to dislike animals seen crying at the presented animals. When the irritating noise was not present when animals were reintroduced the baby cryed and pushed himself away from introduced animals. The object of the experiment was to explain how remembered associated loud noise disliked traumas were associated with furry animals, labelled Classical Conditioning in humans. No association towards school education were mentioned yet I point out that if the Little Abert experiment were to be taken seriously in relation to school education learning, than long hours of schooling student dislike fatigued attitudes learning is merely punishing childood curiosity. Merely reading the google little albert experiment search page headings, several readings seem to discourage the value rather than to connect analysed assumptions to school education learning. Having red several Little Albert first search page readings, Little Albert experiment gets all the critical analysis on the value reguading the health of little Albert, that such experiments should not have happened, nor should happen in the future. I could conclude a probable tactic to stop any such experiments exposing ideas that school educated students should be experimented with to determine the true value of school education in regards to Clasical Conditioning a zombi Neandethal dumb emotional decision making behaviour believe everything propaganda media infers people to believe work force.

Google: “documentary how opioid drugs works” to find a selection of readings, rather than myself selecting whatever reading suits my arguments.

I remember, many years ago, a documentary on how opioid drugs work, the documentary described how opioid drug addicted people complain that the first time taking an illegal drug ‘heroin’, the feeling is terrific, the second time the terrific feeling is reduced, each time opioid/heroin drugs are consumed the more opioid/heroin drugs need to be consumed to maintain normality. Addicted to illegal drugs people claim they need regular consuming of drugs to merely maintain normal stable feeling awareness. The documentary presenter indicates introduced opioid/heroin drugs replaces human brain’s normal self-medication that when increasing opioid/heroin drugs through needle injections the brain reduces self-medication, so when following injections are had, the terrific feeling is not so terrific as the first injection, the third injection not so terrific as the second opioid/heroin injection, etc. I could speculate a theory that as most people suffer from school education learning traumas human brains are constantly medicating learning traumas, yet for the brain to realise how much brain self-medication opioid were required the brain must be aware of traumas/PTSD, that when children leave school each day, the remaining late afternoon, the feeling of not having to use their brain’s subconscious memory hurried memorising cognitive overloading, human brain self-medication opioid continues to medicate after school activities, programming children to enjoy doing whatever a brain awareness of physical activity is learning, that physical activities are brain chemical stimulated to enjoy as to reward after school activities. Similar ideas regarding alcohol consumption after work, alcohol consumers’ weak emotional minded young adults leading to late night-life party/club gatherings. The continued after school behaviours relaxation free will hyperactivity is the being aware of human brain self-medicating opioid stimuli rewards, adds up to ‘classical conditioning’ mentioned in Discovering Psychology with Philip Zimbardo and Wikipedia Little Albert experiment.

As I believe I don’t have school education learning traumas having slipped through the classical conditioning education system, I may be least troubled by consuming opioid drugs to that of traumatised school leavers, being that my brain is not brain opioid self-medicating learning traumas. This assumption theory has school education a prime suspect cause for western economies opioid drug addiction problems.

Adam Ruins Everything on opioid drug addiction remembered similar idea that drug companies stated new miracle drug OxyContin doctors frequently prescribing OxyContin to patients, in the long term OxyContin found to be extremely addictive, as doctor prescribed OxyContin drug period ended addicted to OxyContin users were forced to seek cheaper alternative addictive illegal drugs. The drug company said to have been fined millions of dollars for incorrectly stating OxyContin was somewhat not addictive, may have been a planned conspiracy to increase human addictions using doctors, that the offending drug company Purdue Pharma suffered no financial loss as the media reported fines was fake news.

A number of women undergo breast implant surgery in order to increase the size of their breasts often with known risks of surgery complications. Reasons given according to media’s many story presenters are that women feel their breasts are too small. I would theorise as young teenage girls were feeling mentally stressed by school education, as puberty indicates girls moving into progressive states towards adulthood, young girls want to see their developing breasts increase in size. That after school distractions self-medication activities being aware breasts are becoming larger their self-esteem chemical reward classical conditioning increases. As these brain chemically conditioned behaviours reduce anxiety and childhood/teenager PTSD, many adult women in need of distracting stimulation using teenager subconscious memory response female gratification behaviours, feel they would feel better if their breasts were larger. Avoiding intelligent thought hurrying no time to think behaviours, any independent analysed suggestions not to carry out surgery procedures are quickly “I don’t care” ignored, in order to relive young teenager enthusiasm brain chemical stimuli knowing breasts will get larger.


 For more readings, top righthand side highlight on "More" for more pages. 

End of above posted 2021 dated post.

Progressing past Mindfulness Theory

A television program brought to viewers attention, meditation therapy for several mental illnesses. Meditation is not new to media, The Beatles practised meditation in the late 1960s.

Meditation now labelled “mindfulness”, practised without religion.

First video images seen on the subject of labelled “Mindfulness”. Teenage school students seen meditating on a classroom floor before starting lessons. Narrating words referring to slowing the brain down before starting lessons. Classroom meditation periods were about to end the education department's allowed trial period.

The teacher present in the classroom stated to class students, “if you feel yourself drifting into thoughts pull yourself back”.

Interviewed school teenage students, after practising meditation were expressing how relaxed they were, feeling better, doing better at school tasks.

One school student teenager said he does meditation after school while listening to music. Listening to music while meditating was not stated to be an incorrect procedure.

A psychology professional was seen performing meditation dressed accordingly. Scenes of teenagers, young adults sitting in a room, on the floor, crossed legs, facing walls.

Narrator stated that there was much discussion on the Internet on the value of Mindfulness meditation.

Warnings were given not to meditate without proper supervision.

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