What's Seen As 2 Party Democracy Is Mere 1 Party.

Posted on January 5, 2022.

My remembering the federal election between federal Liberal party leader William McMahon and Labor party leader Gough Whitlam, McMahon was way out classed in personality and charisma. McMahon had a poor voice appeal, no dynamic commanding leadership quality what-so-ever.

Below is a copy of McMahon’s above wikipedia page last paragraph reading of his political career before “Birth and family background”:

“McMahon has been described as one of Australia's worst prime ministers by Australian political scientists and historians,[1][2][3][4] and after leaving office several of his former colleagues openly criticised his leadership style and personal character. However, Whitlam acknowledged him as "an extraordinarily skilful, resourceful and tenacious politician", and credited him with having prevented a larger margin of defeat in 1972”. end of wikipedia reading.

My argument in this reading suggests McMahon was intentionally sabotaging the 1972 elections, in favour of “It was time for a Labor Party government change”. I suggest many advanced industrial economies civilised 2 party democracies are in reality one single party whom take turns in being in government depending on planned future: economic growth; wars; share market crashes; property investment growth booms; recessions and/or depressions.

Labour Party leader Gough Whitlam 1972 to 1975 with an election half way through ‘great propaganda distraction from intelligent thought’, Whitlam Labor government introduced free university learning, which by the early 1980s university fees were introduced, by that time, obtaining a good inner city employment often required a university degree, inner city office employment university educated applicants lost a number of years attending a no fee charging university delaying wage incomes, delaying marriage family first child birth, as many women chose an education career over having large families, many women found themselves with fewer children having their first child late in their having children family planning cycle.

When USA dropped an atom bomb on Japan to end the second world war, documentaries describing the event, made statements that “things had changed”, “the genie was out of the bottle”, my interpretation “major wars between industrial economies were made obsolete”. Historically, baby boom generations after periods of war, by early adult age, are confronted with a major war, which wars tend to consume young adults for several years, in doing so delay family planning first child, which generally leads to more children being born 2 to 3 years apart. University education with perceived ideas of easy work high wage income careers compared to no university limited education unskilled working class unsecured employment seems a better option. I’d suggest university doesn’t add more skills to young adults, merely takes capable people of learning a skilled employment profession, upping their qualifications into a desk job engineer career. As wars were an expensive exercise to delay young adult family planning, inner city office building employment which often doesn’t produce physical materials, instead merely produces: information reports; balance sheet checking; office meetings... ideas shown on ABC television series “Utopia” and USA “The Office”. Whether real balance sheet profits are obtained or mere loses, high wage earnings are often fed into property investment using borrowed finance loan servicing and/or inner city restaurants, night life alcohol fuelled entertainments.

What’s the above to do with democracy? Both 2 party democracy political parties support propped up economies, political party’s verbal conflict are more providing media distractions from reality blame tool to when fake capitalist market economies deregulated banks falter, go into downturns compared to planned economic policy provider.

Historically, The Liberal Party supposedly represents a rich and middle class, low tax rate for the well off citizenry. The Labor Party represents a working class poor, whom most have failed at school to produce the grades to pull themselves out of poverty, instead providing themselves with limited skills low wage employment. Being that past generations have had large percentages of working class poor, when wars are introduced, generally Labor Parties are in government. John Curtin Labor prime minister between 1941 to 1945. The First World War also had a federal Labor Party in government for the majority of time.

Wall Street Crash of 1929, a federal government soon after became a Labor Party government. A Liberal Party is in government when a crises happens taking the blame where blame is deserved, then soon after a Labour Party enters government which has the support of a working class, so whatever a federal Labor government wants from citizenry, working class are more enthusiastically happy to supply Labor Party governments in dangerous adventures as in during war.

In March 11, 1983 Bob Hawk Labor government (on winning a federal election) took over from Malcolm Fraser Liberal Party whom were blamed for 7 years of inflation, while all other major industrial counties (USA; UK; Europe) were suffering high percentage inflation. Soon after the March 11 federal election Hawk floated the Australian dollar, freed up banking, which was given the excuse of foreign investment inner city high rise office buildings development, providing office space for those many university graduates, and the share market crash of 1987, treasurer Paul Keating stating “we don’t want to go into a 1930s type depression” allowing record low 4% interest rates, 2 years property boom, borrowing share market investments boom, followed by Paul Keating’s sudden without warning introduced tripled interest rates “recession Australia had to have”. Working class indebted citizenry voted back into government Paul Keating as prime minister because Liberal Party leader John Hewson who media predicted couldn’t lose the March 13 1993 election, Hewson wanted to introduce a GST tax to replace various wholesale taxes, Hewson couldn’t explain price differences between taxes on a cake shop cake. During John Howard’s government Howard government merely passed legislation on June 28, 1999 to introduced changing to Hewson’s taxes on July 1 2000. My point being Hewson was supposed to lose the 1993 election (may have to do with 1994 bond market yield 6% to September 1994 10%), the same as Scott Morrison won the May 18, 2019 election against Bill Shorten who run a campaign on removing self-founded retired exempted taxes. Labor Party would have calculated how many elderly people whom normally vote Labor would have voted for the Liberal Party, self-funded retired asking their children whom may have voted Labor to vote Liberal. Scott Morrison Liberal Party media predicted to lose the election won the election, Bill Shorten resigns as leader of the Labor Party.

Scott Morrison makes statements which predict progress yet fails to deliver, states covid vaccinations, “it’s not a race” media and Labor Party leader comments, “it is a race”. To simple assumer citizenry, both parties appear to be separate entities to each other’s being in government political ambitions, I say are really one party hogging all the media attention away from probable other political parties other than those ridiculous Queensland political parties.

Media control citizenry thoughts, same idea as Greek philosophers persuaded wealthy land owner Greeks to finance Greek open forum stage performances to Greek working class, same idea Roman wealthy land owners and military generals financed Colosseum gladiator entertainment performance distractions, distractions allowed immoral activities to continue without citizenry complaints, mentioned in Michael Moore’s documentary beginning scenes “Capitalism: A Love Story”.

According to an elderly aged 85 years man stating to me ‘before 1940 average family size of 8 children’, on mentioning his own brothers and sisters. My suggestion, people been made aware of Soviet Union single party communist dictator’s Lennon and Stalin enslavement work camps, read through books and news papers, capitalist working class hardship bad school education mental stress adult physical work exhaustion reduced thought intelligence’ naive belief in 2 party democracy, easily persuade citizenry to support and even fight in wars to ensure social freedoms promised by democracy constitution documented freedoms, where half persuasive influences were that most people were so angrily frustrated in work physically exhausted life, mainly men wanted to kill something.

The lack of personal creative thought intelligence, people couldn’t realise wars were about Jesus on a cross original sin forgiveness (leaving God’s garden of Eden, killing each other balance of nature) Genesis god returns from his seventh day of rest human sacrifice, then and now citizenry were and now are so school education traumatised beginning at a young age, citizenry fed selective rolled over information, traumatised by school education, adult aged people want to laugh, enjoy child like fun experiences, drink alcohol after working 10 hours per day 5 and half to 6 days per week, that women were often intentionally escaping wage earning work loads by marrying young, having several children, allowing school stressed thought repressed naive husbands to wear/have the wage earning support a wife and children work loads.

Covid-19 has denied many young adults night club activities: loud music dancing; drinking alcohol; consuming illegal hyperactive upper drugs in the company of friends. I heard on media one quick UK comment expressed youth need to be hyperactive to medicate depression and other mental health issues. I say we’re programmed into young adults using years of child and teenager school overly stressed work loads, used not to so much prove academic learning ability as to control what humans think and ultimately believe. Going to school each work day, conditions human behaviour to rise from bed in the morning, prepare for work employment, arrive at employment work on time to begin each work day’s exhausting task labours.

Personality Protective Cognition, the fear of being wrong, feeling fear of being embarrassed in the company of classroom students, even though as an adult not being present in a classroom of students, feelings of fear leads adults to reject alternative beliefs, the relief of reduced fear of being less than perfect intelligence proves judgements were correct, repeated over many lifetime years since early childhood emotional decision making behaviours. War is about defending freedom governed by democracy election choice of one political party over one alternative political party. Any alternative theory invokes Personality Protective Cognition, prompt rejections.

Governments concerned about school students spending time in lock-downs, students having time to feel free of teachers controls, reduced mental stresses, governments fear students will experience thinking for themselves will realise the futility of school information learning which has little to doing with future employment, that mental stress reduces students’ ability to remember, to decode data into specific neuron connection memory locations, not that thought analogies would be that specific.

I personally at the age of 7 years didn’t attend school for 1 entire year, that on returning to school I couldn’t recognise any subject topic worth remembering, I now could assume teachers words were pointless. I was never required by teachers to read anything from books, rather to spell by writing/copying down individual words, which I only bothered to copy groups of letters without reading words as meaningful words. I have met a women whom talks in short sentences, never extending conversation past her spoken short sentences. I soon concluded she wrote down copied from a teacher’s written blackboard readings short sentences as a single thought, only comprehending single thoughts, self-programming.

To animate an image of what school education is about, an image of a school student chained to iron ball, ball and chain, chain licked to the ankle, student dragging the ball and chain, slowing student learning down in student frustration. Human ability to turn what’s bad into good, by being stimulated by brain chemical medicating endorphins and hyperactive stimulate adrenaline stimulated by stress induced cortisol, repressing the negative awareness and enjoying focusing on the positive reinforcements brain chemical stimuli.

Over time, humans have replaced promised afterlife religion with political promises of freewill freedom, yet as freedom requires free thought, human behaviours are more childlike fun delusional self-beliefs brain chemical rewards.

Documentaries and Land Owner Democracies.

Posted date: January 13, 2021.

Many first world wealthy advanced economies have two party democracies. In Australia, the country I have occupied since birth, myself witnessing my entire life, my location television media focus all political news reporting attention on the two main federal government parties, that all other party candidates during election periods in my television viewing district are ignored and/or don’t finance campaign advertising using television broadcasters, unless the political party has a dysfunctional behaviour party leader and/or limited personality. One of the two main parties are a coalition of a rural base country electrection seats now named the National Party and a city urban/metropolitan base conservative Liberal Party which candidates don’t compete against each other for the same electoral seat.

Campaign costs are said to be donated by corporations to fund state and federal Liberal parties and unions and corporations donate to fund state and federal Labor parties. As unions have paid less attention to workers increasing wages and work place conditions, unions devoting more attention to managing workers retirement fund savings, in Australia referred to as Superannuation funds, in USA 401K tax loophole retirement accounts. As mentioned by movie length documentary maker Michael Moore, USA Democratic party have no union base as had many years previously, The Democratic party behave more like The Republican party, talking about Bill Clinton being president who deregulated banks which lead to 2008 Sub-prime mortgage securities market crash. Ronald Reagan said he would make America great again. Bill Clinton said he would make America great again. Donald Trump said he would make America great again. The only great I am aware of, myself watching many USA history documentaries, the only great was the 1930s Great Depression, and around 2009 The Great Recession, The Great War before the second world war now called The First World War. Alexander the Great, a great murderer of history. Russian Tsar Peter The Great, built Saint Petersburg using peasant labour that many of whom died. Greatness is not that good.

As Australia has a Labor party to be seen in opposition to the Liberal party. The only evidence provided that allows Australian citizenry to believe citizenry live in a democracy are the media broadcast parliament question times having prime ministers and portfolio ministers yelling at opposition leaders and other leading notable opposition shadow ministers often accusing out of government parties of being terrible performers while in government. Media commentators talking about politicians being in government wanting to maintain being in government. Most all questions asked by opposition parties during “questions without notice” ministers answering questions begin with a speech as to avoid answering opposition party asked questions directly before finishing performing awkwardly answering questions, raised voice yelling attacks at opposition parties performance while opposition parties were in government. Such performances are frequently repeated, I say regular performances are for the benefit of emotional decision making Neanderthals competitive spirit. I also assume such performances provide doubt to more capable thinking people that democracy is faked story telling propaganda, during future periods to discover identities of democratic heretics.

Politicians first duty is to anecdotally prove Australians live in a democracy, by providing photo and video performance opportunities where in most instances government appears more embarrassingly out of step with good governing. Political scandals indicates to citizenry, there exists separate relationship between media and government, anecdotally proven with news papers and electronic broadcasters providing political media commentators criticising comments, which I suggest school children being aware of media statements being that teachers use media stories to ask students in year three and year four questions that when children answer teachers questions correctly (whether directly asked or not) children’s demoralised emotional state (hidden mild mental depression) receives a self-esteem boost by feeling superior to that of other classroom children, criticising classroom children for poor performance compared to themselves. Media’s political commentators criticising repeatedly known politicians whether children or elderly adults, rings childhood primary school feelings of superior intelligence memories that of school classroom culture an easy understanding positive reinforcement brain chemical stimuli: dopamine; endorphins… reward judged as political commentators statements are truthful events. Such Neanderthal behaviours on doubting political commentators statements also means childhood self-esteem boosting of intelligence getting teacher’s questions answers correct, were to be incorrect, flooding emotions with fear of being incorrect while answering teacher’s questions. To escape the fear of feeling incorrect. By ignoring doubt, ignoring being incorrect, brains fears of being incorrect decline, proving to emotional decision makers what was first believed true is undoubtedly true.

A movie “The Invention Of Lying” where a society of people always tell the truth no matter what. A man tells his mother on her death bed “she is going to a better place up in the sky” so to speak, the words heard by a person are frequently repeated to other people until the man who first told lies becomes an inventor of more lies about a man in the sky, listened to by child intelligent people whom can’t doubt impossible ideas. The Roman Empire lasted one thousand years, using developed over time pagan religious ceremonies on ideas of Greek gods, that only certain people were allowed to perform ceremonies, changing from one faith to another faith which contained more devotion for a human sacrificial belief. Self-assigned priests added pentagram stars used to symbolise Jesus on top pagan December 25 holiday trees, today Christmas trees usually have a pentagram star at the top, to many people, for some unknown reason.

If you believe I’m getting off the track about democracy. Above examples of incorrect beliefs grow on children, once believed by children beliefs carry on throughout adulthood, where criticising political leaders seems more democratic than hearing during news stories how dictator lead governments cannot abide by criticism, arresting journalists for printing criticising dictator led government injustice justice system statements, children assume media aren’t inventing stories, aren’t merely reporting stories which were intentionally performed for the benefit of having supposed damaging to dictator controlled governments obsession with maintaining political power at the cost of individual freedoms. The belief in democracy has to those whom choose not to believe in religion, whom believe in a more convincing democracy type god political parties, making laws to increase protections against criminal activities, to protect the wealth and freedom of all law abiding citizenry legal justice system. I would state such freedoms and laws beliefs exampling in USA police consume more time arresting illegal drug users than arresting organised crime illegal drug traffickers and illegal drug suppliers, that movies somewhat show organised illegal drug traffickers being arrested yet (I assume without a media stated statistic) in real life, illegal drugs have never been in short supply, democracy legislation to arrest drug users rather than spending more effort on arresting illegal drug traffickers aid criminal activities.

Another point about media political commentators, political commentators can be: boring to listen to; verbally crass to listen to; have few worth while better performing suggestions; talk too fast; opposing political parties never have better suggestions; that few announced changes to policies have much to do with citizenry; most talked about policy criticism has to do with foreign policy regarding foreign dictator governments, China, Iran, Syria, Russia; pretend democracy governments fake elections… all of which seems more like propaganda than interesting to read and/or hear news stories.

I strongly suggest real democracies don’t work, by restricting alternative political parties, “National Socialist Party”, sounds great, yet that’s the name of Hitler’s Nazi Party. How the Nazi party obtained political power with only one third of German voters votes, is a story of a post WWI two party democracy system arguing with each other, giving the newcomer Nazi party control of government affairs while the two main parties deal with their conflicting issues, seems more of a contrived excuse to blame a dictator government for a planned WWII.

People whom believe in democracy are more likely to save money, trusting democracy elected government party debated then voted into laws to protect money from being stolen through: share market scams “Wall Street Wolves”; insider trading; regular intentional bank collapses; my favourite deregulate banks low interest rate lending money to any person capable of breathing whom has property as security for loans, boom bust cycles, followed by many bankruptcy legal procedures. 

I suggest first world western counties ideas of democracy are mere two party election voting where voters have an option of a bad political party or a worse than bad political party, that the two political parties have turns being in government to merely increase citizenry beliefs of democracy in action. In Australia, when political journalists state present “government is out of touch with voters”, journalists are creating an unseen yet easy to understand climate of time to vote for that opposition party.

Propaganda that people don’t trust politicians, yet as politicians are court doing something which turns into a scandal, the process of discovery, that politicians can’t keep secrets from media, that media are keen to report to citizenry as many details as scandal details slowly come to light. The propaganda that democracy is about honest transparency are the true persuasive propaganda tactics. President Nixon slow media disclosures of Watergate hotel burglary reinforced citizenry beliefs in democracy separation between media and governments during a Vietnam War. I assume no media theorised, war was about periodic human sacrifice, Christian/Jewish religions Noah’s ark story God speaking to Noah after the great flood ended. God said to Noah, “all herbs are free, from time to time a tribute is required” God had just flooded earth drowning all humanity and all animals other than living things floating on water inside the ark. Though God said he wouldn’t do that again, “flooding earth with water” many other disasters happen, including wars. Government leaders stating they’re religious, wondering why?, be aware.

My best example of manipulating lies are 1980s interest rates Ronald Reagan era. History has failed to report 1979-1980 USA federal government interest rate policy of raising interest rates to slow increasing and/or reduce inflation. What set the policy in motion was as gold was unfixed to the USA dollar, gold found a market value in USA dollars. 1970s rising inflation (with low GDP growth labelled stagflation) had sudden increase in market value of (my frequently reinforced memory) gold reaching US$800.00 an oz. in October 1979. An increase in interest rates reduced the market price of gold to US$400.00 an oz. This changing of gold market pricing expressed the USA dollars, the USA dollar was losing value as gold futures increase in value. Through 1980s, borrowing money with variable interest rates hit twenty percent several times, while inbetween twenty percent interest rates, several periods of seven percent interest rates were experienced. During these several periods of seven percent variable interest rates, baby doom generation were into buying cleared land property building homes or buying existing homes whom on obtaining mortgage loans using variable interest rate servicing were often met with mentioned twenty percent intesrest rate loan servicing. Any effort to Internet search through federal banking board history data on variable interest rates I am sure will not confirm my statements, hence a I speculate a government conspiracy to repress past interest rates history manipulations causing much hardship to then 1976 through to 1990 variable interest rate mortgage borrowers, I speculate true chart figures have been hidden from higher education economic studying students. What also has been hidden from economic historical charts are the DOW Industrial average closing index numbers between July 1, 1999 through to January 4, 2000. The DOW index fell to 7,200 in October 30, 1999 from a high of 11,400 in July 1, 1999, rising to 11,700 in January 4, 2000, a DOW index increase of 4,500 index points in 64 days. The media failed to make a big deal out of the falling and rising DOW index movements. During the past twenty one years, finance journalists I frequently monitor mainly watching television business news since 1999, have failed to mention 1999 DOW Index fall and rise. Spending time searching Internet, has no true chart indications.

Returning to 1980s, in February 1981 I enquired a loan from my local ANZ Bank for a variable interest rate loan. The bank manager said I “wasn’t eligible for a variable interest rate loan at seven percent”, I settled for a fixed interest rate loan of eight point five percent lasting five years. When downloading a chart on variable interest rates, charts I found had no resemblance to my ANZ bank 1981 enquiries.

The period before the 1987 market crash interest rates were lower than previous seven years, low enough interest rates BMVIR to encourage DOW index and Australian market indexes to rise sharply as many market crashes do before dropping sharply to create percentage falls media reported statements of gloom.

In USA the 1980s deregulated banks began the Savings And Loans lending institutions which by the late 1980s resulted in the Savings And Loans lending institutions bankruptcy, very few Australians have ever heard of, that I only heard of the bankruptcies once during an 2020 ABC news finance report Alan Kohler quick statement. I find Alan Kohler many introduced charts, one chart regarding Australian property price history vastly inaccurate, leaving many other introduced charts difficult to prove accurate.


The same time Australia having had two years of four percent interest rates property buying boom share market investment boom, blamed on 1987 share market crash. In late 1989, federal Labor government treasure Paul Keating suddenly required banks to increase cash reserves or merely placed government bonds at twenty percent interest rates, having variable interest rising at the same time to that same twenty percent BMVIR. Mortgage borrowers suffering extreme hardship from what was 1987 post share market crash four percent interest rates borrowing boom to twenty percent interest rates gloom, lasting around two years. Internet searching government bond rates at the RBA Reserve Bank Of Australia, bond rates don’t begin being recorded until 1992, showing twelve percent interest rates seen with a downward slop to six percent.

I personally didn’t have any outstanding debt, not even a credit card debt. I wasn’t troubled by the event.

I didn’t hear from any media political nor finance reporting commentators nor opposition Liberal party politicians that a Labour government, supposedly a working class people's preferred representative government, had intentionally placed variable interest rates to record lows only to place variable interest rates to record highs, was a planned intentional attack on working class wealth. Unemployment held for a period at eleven percent. I heard one media radio commentators suggesting Paul Keating being the federal government treasure should receive an award for his brilliant economic strategy on raising variable interest rates to kill inflation. As many years progress retired treasurer/prime minister Paul Keating appears on serious television talk programs stating he had to raise interest rates to kill out of control inflation yet Keating fails to mention two years of record low four percent variable interest rates.

Beliefs in democracy allow governments to do things that aren’t to the best interests of that WWII and elderly WWI baby boom generation of citizenry. Philosophy theories, that as past generations suffered so preceding generations should also suffer. Like religions ask for money from believers for various reasons, church building maintenance; to train new pastors and priests in colleges; support overseas religious teachings in Africa; etc.,… believers are so into their chosen religious faith and the honesty of pastors or priests, money flows as free as believers can afford to donate.

Whether democracy or not... working class are kept working paying off mortgage debt until aged close to retirement, by increasing working class debt by raising interest rates for a period, borrowers negotiating with lenders to extend loan payments longer than initially planned. Ideas that governments care about GDP consumer spending supporting business sales turnover figures are more propaganda myths, which is proven by 1990 to 1994 “recession Australia had to have”.

Increasing interest rates adds to business costs which because of increased costs to hold stock, businesses increase stock prices causing increasing prices inflation. Workers given pay increases further increases products for sale inflation.

Landlords increasing property loan payments force landlords to increase rent charges on tenants, that because many landlords have similar problems most all landlords increase rent charges.

Because banks offer higher interest payments on deposits landlords could make better earnings than tenant rent payments by having cash in term deposits, reasons to increase rent charges.

Increasing interest rates increases inflation.

As since 2015 interests rates have been at record lows, wage and most consumer goods inflation has slowed to I suggest record low levels. Australian timber being an exception I speculate due to 2019 and 2020 NSW bush fires.

January 10, 2021, media talk about how Donald Trump’s Twitter account was suspended, the rights of free speech by posting comments in forums, I began an account with politicalhotwire.com on the education forum entitled “school education is designed to teach children to keep themselves dumb” posted by steve9 September 16, 2020, after several posts under the same title I was banned from signing in for reasons of spam, to post further posts. Even gaining access to the website using the same laptop, led me to a page stating I was banned from the website. Free speech regarding school education is repressed. The posting has not been removed from the education forum website.


Democracy free speech is more propaganda that only media journalists can publish topics and criticism on how society is governed. Most citizenry merely follow media introduced topics for their comment posts.

Australia also has a two party candidates first to the pole system. Other party candidates separate from the two main parties running for parliament elected seats have preferred alternative parties, if candidates fail to obtain one of two of the most votes collected candidates, candidates obtaining the: third; forth; fifth; sixth; etc., failed candidates collected votes pass collected votes onto their next in line preferred candidate, a line of failed candidates could have votes landing in one of the two parties whom collected most of the votes, lazy brain voters didn’t want to vote for. If the two main parties were so unpopular that they both fear losing an electoral seat to a popular independent candidate, both parties could introduce wild card candidates to reduce the more popular candidates ability to be one of the two parties first past the post, that wild card candidates preferred votes party would be directed towards the Liberal party or the Labor party, increasing the chance of one of those two main parties being the final first over the line candidate elected member of parliament. The two main parties wouldn’t need to fear a popular candidate, merely encouraging and even financing parties with special interest like: the shooters party; the Greens party; the Koala party; the dog lovers party; etc., people whom vote for their special interest may believe eventual governments will aid such meaningful ideas with monetary grants, the special interest candidates preferred votes collected go towards one of the two main parties, aiding putting one of the two main parties of the first place line elected seat in parliament whether in government or opposition.

Elected to government parties have obligations to maintain laws which benefit companies whom financially supported winning party election candidate campaigns. Companies can financially support both two main political parties. Voters believing governments are working for voters maybe less than reality.

I pose a suggestion that the choice of two main party candidates are chosen by (regardless of branch stacking scandals) an unknown committee/unknown people whom may submitted for political seat branch meetings select candidates to run for two main party seats. Party branch candidate selection meetings maybe given two candidates to choose from, all seems democratic, any complaints to media, complaint stories are never reported to citizenry. Media investigative journalists submit their findings to editors whom reject publication of rigged candidate selection processes, an example as media rely on politicians posing themselves during one instance, many government politicians walking down a corridor in close formation prier to Covid-19, leaders walking in front to allow video images to be captured for television news reports. The rigged image indicates government party parliamentarians are behind their leaders all the way down the corridor.

Media and behind the scenes established government propaganda advisors that politicians seemingly willingness to govern for the voting population, doesn’t necessarily work, instead what convinces citizenry is the process of checks and balances demonstrated during the USA FBI investigations into Donald Trump’s 2016 Russian connections. Donald Trump’s calling selective media news broadcasters as fake news, reinforces separation between media and government, criticised actions reinforces citizenry beliefs USA citizenry live in a transparent democracy. When many citizenry get together, serious political criticism distracting attentions from more self-awareness issues, lead to Donald Trump, that society opportunity to experience intelligent conversations are consistently being distracted by fake media news stories, that one of the greatest fake news provider of stories is Donald Trump. Donald Trump to me is the obvious evidence that USA citizenry don’t live in a free speech democracy, as school education teachers children and teenagers resulting in adults believing what they’re told to believe to believe what media story propaganda portray citizenry to believe. School education learning traumas self-medication lead to consuming alcohol and/or medicating drugs, play or merely watch sports with increased enthusiasm, the escape from intelligent inquisition similar to escaping from processing school education learning tasks, citizenry of all ages merely accepting simply understood media propaganda stories, democracy is merely a confidence trick.

Because school educated people are often so consumed with entertaining themselves, few to no persons cares to be concerned with creating conversations with friends on the true reality limitations of what’s called a democracy. As political party’s chosen candidates could have terrorist and/or foreign government influence intentions, I personally have no complaints on how candidates are chosen. Two main party branch selection members voting on who is going be the next election candidate for their local seat in parliament could vote in any old smiling face nobody or a religious extremest, who wants god mentioned in every paragraph of law being passed. I speculate chosen candidates for party elections, if on entering parliament have little to no real influence as candidates are chosen on their ability to obey the whip, to be told what to vote for while in parliament, that elected parliamentarians are there to prevent tax payers money from being directed into people’s personal ownership without providing competitive tendering won services and/or providing employee services to citizenry.

During an ABC QandA program, it was revealed out of two hundred and twenty six elected government and senate members, most are not of the legal profession as had been many decades ago, today members are often selected from retiring or removed from seat during elections, new candidates coming from member’s office staff. That experienced office staff are well experienced in dealing with the public filling out forms.

In Australia, to provide anecdotal evidence that Australian federal parliament democracy is real, opposition parties ask questions to sitting government parties supposedly without notice, not being scripted during a sitting of “Parliament questions without notice” frequently broadcast on ABC national television during daylight hours and after midnight early next morning. Typical questions asked of portfolio ministers “please explain why discovered poorly provided services are incorrectly provided, etc.. many question answers turn into a speech leading to ministers increased volume yelling attack on the opposition party leadership or portfolio opposition shadow minister(s), “when you were in government you did a terrible job” Neanderthal believed propaganda indicating two party democracy separation is real to me are no more than lying acting performances. Parliament speaker introduced rules preventing answers from being turned into opposition attacks failing to answer questions correctly, back bench government parliamentarians ask questions to government portfolio ministers that end with “or anything else needing to be said”, giving government portfolio ministers opportunities to attack opposition party leaders as had been done previously before new rules were introduced, maintaining the allusion of two political party separation.


more to come on this page.

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Why Whistleblowers Exist

Below is an example of the industrial power of bank invented balance sheet credits subsidised wages under the control of a hidden, rarely mentioned by media establishment. I argue, a hidden establishment exists by describing Great Britain's part in the industrial revolution and WW2 following 1930s depression years... lies.

United States of America built 2,711 liberty ships during World War 2.



United States of America built roughly numbering 160 aircraft carriers during World War 2.


Why Whistleblowers Exist: I am typing out ideas which should at least create doubt within people capable of doubt, whom have been too busy to spend time thinking. Julian Assange I would theoise works for the esstablishment, shown as a man trying to avoid being deported to the USA for hacking into a CIA server and publishing USA secrets through Wikileaks. The civilian killing scenes file are not the problem, the mere exposing what's deemed secrets are the issue. My theory being as Jesus was accused of heresy Jesus real crime was accusing temple priests on temple steps in the view of god believers of tricking god believers out of their money using various means. The Jesus story is a parable threat to believers not to accuse Christian beliefs as mere tricks to releave money from god believers. Julian Assange is a reminder to a number of people whom were threatened after being scammed out of their wealth in 1999 Y2K accuse for an October 1999 major market crash which didn't happen, not to accuse governemts of using capitalist market forces economic crashes as no more than tricking investors out of their savings, sending investors into poverty. As whistle blowers receive poor outcomes on exposing corruption in government supported banks and corporation market share prices. My evidence is in the education systems poor outcome for student learnt adult behaviours, on everything from alcoholism to illegal drug consuption addictions. As whistle blowers expose corruption of people's intelligence, the fear of learning prevents populations from caring, wanting to return to their simple activity pleasures, self-medicatiing learning traumas. 

Bottom Of The Harbour Scheme.

          Many Australians born after 1918 generation, having gone through the 1930s depression, having experienced high inflation in 1952-53. Many workers in the 1960s considering retirement, leading up to and during 1969, bank depositors interest rate returns were historically very low. During 1999, interest rates were said to be the lowest since 1969.

          Several elderly retired people of the 1918 onward generation, expressed to me, that workers were encouraged during the second half of 1960s, to place they're savings in investment companies.

          Many people ready for retirement in the 1980s had been told in the early 1980s, their investment for retirement money was gone. Resulting media statements labelled “the bottom of the harbour scheme” scam had taken the money.

          What allows people to merely except media excuses are the confidence in the political system, and years of media transparency.

          The correct Bottom Of the Harbour transparency would have been: where did the money go, as to having investment money being returned to the rightful owners.


Particularly read: Deputy Crown Solicitor debacle.

          If readers believe what they read as true, it is easy to believe taxation authorities are incompetent, rather than think “taxation authorities are in on the scheme scam”. Were the taxation authorities in a conspiracy to relieve Australian citizen of their savings? Not that taxation authorities receive money, more as retiring citizens never get to spend retirement savings.

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