Bart character never learnt anything while being bored attending school.

Bart character never learnt anything while being bored attending school.

Home Page: how school education destroys human curiosity for advancing intelligence.

Children's early mental development is the most important period in developing human intelligence. The difference between brains developing into very intelligent human thinkers, to being stupid dummies, greatly depends on early mental health which children choose behavioural pathways before children reach my safely assumed age of 9 years.

As below reading is long, I suggest copying below reading using mouse right click Paste Special selecting unformatted text onto a text program, save. 

Below reading was posted on December 18, 2020.

Be aware, below has 17,808 words.

I am about to attempt to convince you the reader school education is not what school education is believed to be, that school education is designed to deny children experiencing potentially complex thinking remembering conclusions, deny children a childhood of developing more mature realisation learning behavioural pathway... instead placing children on a potential life long pathway of: instinctive knee-jerk dislike for academic learning; increased narcissism; alcoholism; drug addictions; behaviour problems; life long degree of repressing mental depression; self-medicating emotional decision making gambling addiction; brain induced adrenaline addiction fuelling quick fight or flight responses poor high risk decision making often leading to dangerous behaviours and/or financial ruin; plus other poorly decided issues… driven by poor decision making need for increased positive reinforcing brain chemicals: (endorphins; dopamine; adrenaline) stimuli self-medication behaviours brought on by many years of self-medication and repressing school learning traumas.

Much of the above mentioned behaviours are hidden and or repressed by out of school social gathering behaviours taught to children by merely watching television dramas, associating with better behaving friends, guided by concerning parents during childhood years. Parents whom ignore their children's concerning problem issues, problem issues become more obvious to more well behaved people. Because school education has been experienced by all adults to children alike, citizenary aviod experiencing intelligent inquisition curiosity to repress school learning traumas, most of whom act with equal no complex information friendliness to each other, regarded by every person as normal behaviour. My readings are attempting to persuade readers citizenry are being controlled by their school education repressed learning trauma desires for simple entertainment after work living.

Exampling a comparison psychological theory that as children have short traumatic experiences: child molesting; etc., traumatic experiences become life long repressed memories, psychological therapy attempts to uncover traumatic childhood events using exploring subconscious repressed memory childhood experienced events in depth discussions in order to reveal events causing childhood traumas, hopefully adult maturity will explain away childhood events awareness attached emotional traumas.

I state school classroom face to face students listening to teacher's adult talking speed “talk and chalk” students listening to forced learning (cognitive overload) for many hours each schooling day, over time creates similar childhood child molesting repressed traumatic memories… child brains must continually listen to a teacher while subconsciously process meanings into memories, that memories are remembering attached mental stress of: listening to a teacher's words while formulating sentence meanings; comparing existing remembered knowledge to that of what’s being heard information meanings; child brain attempting to add to existing meaningful memories with new information meanings, creating hurrying demands traumas attached to newly learnt information memories being remembered to which hurrying/degrading pre-school pre-existing childhood learning behaviour memories. After significant numbers of multiple four to six hours of school mental stressing cognitive overloading learning sessions, once human brains become aware new information is being witnessed, childhood developed quick to respond avoidance to remember (bad feeling information) tactics and subconscious induced mentioned above brain chemicals self-medicating traumas behavioural tactics are applied, youthful human brains are learning to keep information simple to avoid feeling previously experienced traumatic learning behaviour repressing memories. Such repeated experienced repressing memories encourage youth to retain no need to think to analyse earlier children physical hyperactive movement behaviours. As analysing children’s own environment events including verbal communication with other human individuals, remembering analysed conclusions amounts to learning new information, (myself assuming correctly), any complex conclusion remembering knowledge are repressed. That repeated similar events children may remember more simpler judgemental conclusions before applying repression memory avoidance tactics, one obvious behaviour being physically hyperactive, and/or redirecting attentions towards more familiar escapist knowledge and/or becoming defiant.

While watching an episode of Adam Ruins Everything, a television program on debunking age old myths, I came across a scene where Adam is being confronted with a psychology theory entitled “Identity Protective Cognition” the theory supports my repeated statements that people are difficult to persuade what people believed out of mere faith from information providers, myself using scientific and/or engineering explanation arguments exampling no man has walked on the moon, that no 1970s spacecraft Voyager probes have defied the sun’s gravity (Voyager space probes should have been pulled back to the sun) while establishment media stating Voyager space probes to be travelling out into space past the planet Pluto. That I say school educated people are difficult to teach, as what Adam is often attempting to teach, actor listeners are at first reluctant to hear. Yet no explanation cause was given for people’s sensitivity to learning new ideas and/or depression awareness rejecting correcting misleading knowledge as I have theorised blaming school education early childhood learning resulting in ADHD behaviour psychology theory “Classical Conditioning”. Reading both theories using google. Type in address bar “identity protective cognition Adam ruins everything” to see a Youtube video post.

I have a theory that as children undergo years of mental stressful learning, human brain produced opioid used to reward good recognised learning behaviours, have a realisation that when brains are under mental stress needing medication that the subconscious brain learns to use brain opioid to self-medicate mental stress and anxiety. Human brain self-medicating to a limited degree using brain induced opioid, yet a degree of mental stress can be felt, to allow the brain to determine how much medication are required. To my memory a many years ago UK documentary “on how addictive drugs work” expressed when consuming opioid and other feel good drugs, the brain reduces brain producing self-medicating opioid. As external drugs consumption are reducing the need for human brains to produce self-medicating opioid, continued external drug consumption are used to merely maintain a normal feeling of not suffering from mental depression. Reducing external consumption of feel good drugs leads to withdrawal anxiety and depression. Using the above theory, school education due to many years of learning traumas, and a luck of rational thought, can lead teenagers and young adults towards illegal drug use addictions to experience a no mental stress feeling rarely experienced heightened pleasures, worse still becoming addicted to drugs to merely maintain a pre-drug taking realisation. Emotional decision makers follow what emotions tell people what to decide, that experiencing undergoing withdrawal periods are difficult decisions. The actual pain being felt from experiencing opioid and other feel good drugs withdrawal are most probably more about school learning thought traumas not being medicated than opioid drug addiction dependence. Added theory being humans with no learning traumas would not need to consume opioid or other pleasure seeking drugs once having been made aware of the dangers of drug addictions, and that as there were no previous brain opioid self-medication mental depression, any consumption of pleasure seeking drugs would easily be ended with no to little withdrawal anxiety effects. No websites have been researched to confirm this paragraph, being that I know from previous readings I would never read "school education was a cause of medicating mental depression etc"., being that learning institutions are a guarded from serious criticism institution.

Provided below wetsite page relates to college student attention span during lectures. Similar ideas should apply to young children during many hours of teacher talk and chalk teaching. Even though student attention spans decline over student fears of not understanding while missing teacher's statements, experiences being frequently repeated, fears repeated become to often to exclude from altering student emotional reinforced negative attitudes, personalities and behaviours.

I can’t remember most all of my schooling days, as very few childhood events stood out to be worthy of being remembered. I only have brief memories of teachers and school environments. I have only few memories of being taught, during my second year of schooling, a first class teacher doing talk and chalk teaching meanings of: big; bigger; biggest; small; smaller; smallest… I remember realising such already understood information will be used as an examination question, and on remembering being asked during an examination a question related to: big; bigger; biggest, hence I have a childhood single memory of thinking selective knowledge was going to be used in the future during an examination, which when my prediction came true, the memory became more of an event to remember, compared to all remaining time wasted sitting in classrooms being forced to remember spelling words etc., number characters plus mostly pointless compared to our own childhood lives teacher statements.

I remember making a judgement how my very first teacher in kindergarten was standing in front of the class talking for long periods, how I spent my time ignoring her, making bubbles with my saliva, the teacher accused me of chowing bubble gum, which I denied, she then returned to talking to class students. My now statement, she was unknowingly traumatising aged five year old students. Having mentioned the teacher talking to students for long periods to a retired headmaster, he replied knowing the intended teacher spending long periods talking to children practice.

Chapter: 2.

Depending on parents own school education task learning to cut corners, only doing bare essential tasks asked of parents as children by teachers and their lazy can’t think parents’ behaviours, parents guiding children towards better behavioural pathways, a percentage of parents use ideas that their children are mere pets, leaving all their young children’s learning to school teachers, regardless whether their children’s school education examination score seem inadequate.

Parents attempts to force their children to apply more attention toward school learning often meeting more rejecting of learning from displeased attitudes children, which subconsciously reinforce future incentives not to care about learning new information ideas of anything. Long term childhood rejection of school learning psychologically sets childhood learning pathways to strengthen avoidance tactics rewarded with brain chemical positive action stimuli when avoidance of learning reduces teachers and parents demands, once more rewarded when avoidance tactics has parents and teachers eventually and/or frequently seen giving up forcing children to do anything, adults too stupid to realise child avoidance behaviours actually works providing children with self-gratifying rewards. To me the obvious conclusion is to end all forced learning for a period, reducing physical hyperactive sports, walking being the only exercise allowed, to allow children to become bored, wanting something to do, slowly introducing book reading for only one or two hours per day that reading becomes rewarding self-medicating factor to being bored. Allowing children to decide what, when and for how long to read is not ideal for traumatising children learning capabilities for children’s remaining entire lives.

Presently Australia has a commercial showing how a school student looked to be aged around eight years finds reading from a book difficult, as he is seen struggling, a narrator claims one out of every ten students has dyslexia. I would theorise he and many of the one out of ten students have had their thinking, out of fear induced adrenaline hurried increasing ADHD behaviours, that slow thinking behaviours to see words to hold concentration long enough to remember phoenix’ sound out letters into word images to internal voice conscious previously spoken and remembered sound meanings, slowing remembering word images, increasing reading speeds, previous awareness of learning applied avoidance tactics, increases child anxiety repression, worsening the problem of learning to read, ADD attention deficit disorder, conscious repressing hurrying brain functions H in ADHD hyperactivity.

Most all educated adults only want to listen and/or read information that makes them feel good, having no willingness to read difficult to understand complex information reducing self-assessed intelligence reading pleasures, that the feel good to easily understand behaviour is what young children do to learn, not quickly understanding is repressing memory negative reinforcing punishing, that teacher’s assign too many (no need to think similar) tasks to children and teenagers, too many tasks creating a long term sense of overwhelming fear.

Educated adults: rarely think to understand; rarely calmly consider ideas within new statements; once having quickly decided what’s true and what’s false rewarded by self-esteem brain chemical stimuli for being correct quick to decide super intelligent, adults are very difficult to change their believed super intelligent conclusions using more complex detailed arguments... as exampling being red further below readings.

Educated adults are quick to judge true or false dumb or smart as had been done while attending school education’s years three and/or four teacher question and answer games. My added theory that the first two years of schooling was about traumatising children's learning ability, once learning behaviours were traumatised, children’s need to self-medicate traumas, teacher’s simple data knowledge short questions and even shorter answers games that increased student responding answers to questions, increased brain chemical stimuli rewards self-medication delusions about children increased intelligence with increased speed to scan their brain for simple memory answers. Each teacher question has no memory neuron connection with previous asked questions, no thinkable complex conclusions can be derived from playing teacher question answer games. Easy answers to simple to remember idea questions, adrenaline fear of being incorrect, self-delusion on being seen by remaining class students for answering teacher questions correctly, inducing brain chemical stimuli, a behaviour of wanting to feel intelligent, I theorise leads children to judge visually seen sports perceived thrilling activity ball playing skills. Myself down playing ball playing activity by stating dogs/K-9s like chasing tennis balls.

Classroom of children on completing teacher tasks are sitting in seats, waiting to be told what to do next, waiting to be told what to think next, teachers are controlling what children learn, controlling what children think, guided by government education departments. Post WWI Germany under Adolf Hitler, Joseph Geobbols used school education propaganda teaching to condition Hitler youth into following Adolf Hitler’s dreams and plans of a strong and secure Germany. I pose that Australian education has very few relevant to student’s future career lives information, similar to watching television media stories, whom journalist stories are little more than rolled over same to similar stories: court proceedings, people walking outside courthouse buildings; federal parliament question time prime minister yelling at the opposition leader; police arresting persons using violent tactics; crime; limited financial to interest rates, GDP, exampling repeated Crown casino laundering money accusations, female lawyer working for police investigators frequent updates on one particular criminal being released from jail all of which have nothing to do with news listeners lives. Many people read Internet news I suspect to avoid wasting time being slowly angered by witnessing irrelevant to their life news.

When rainy weather floods towns, television station news has reporters seen reporting on flood events, in most instances watchers can see the reporters face, a number of short video clips are shown. All following news reports even when the rains continues for days, most news reports show the same video scenes taken several days earlier. Many thirty minutes entertainment programs have background laughter, in most instances such laughter inducement induce chemical stimuli happens at the end of most statements. I suspect encouraging listeners to have short attention spans, listeners in anticipation of a self-medicating and temporary distraction laughter using humorous punch line statements. I suspect many readers may not agree with me.

People don’t realise how dumb they are, nor want to realise how much effort they put into keeping themselves dumb, when considering how many years humans live before retiring from work choice employment. So much effort is chosen to entertain themselves, yet too little effort placed on learning something new which could be used in securing a new employment skill, in case existing employment skills aren’t worth having and/or on being unemployed finding similar employment as previously was difficult. My statement that school education is designed to teach children to keep themselves dumb until death do them depart from this living world.

In Australia, many televisions channels, television commercials consume twenty minutes leaving forty minutes of sixty minutes of advertised scheduled program. I know that a percentage of people use commercials’ quick scene changing to drum up brain chemicals stimuli to self-medicate existing traumas. I know this to be true as a radio program guest speaker mentioned how certain people drum up brain chemicals to self-medicate school learning traumas, to increase my confidence in what the radio guest speaker was stating, more details further down the readings. I know a man who in 1990 his then wife complained her husband doesn’t talk to her, that he won’t even stick his head up during commercials. I eventually asked the man why he bothered to watch television commercials, he replied that commercials have information, I asked what information, he failed to reply. My conclusion was the man was self-inducing brain chemical stimuli using his self-determined intelligence to remember quickly what scenes were coming up, as his assumptions were proven correct his brain rewarded himself with a blast of stimuli. As crazy as that sounds, he also suffered from a gambling addiction around year 2000, suffering from depression being medicated by his described strongest anti depression medication psychiatrists could prescribe to him. His wife asked him to leave the house around 1991, which he found difficult to understand, beginning a long period of depression which he frequently had medicated using doctor prescribed drugs. When I asked questions to the man, I found how he only had to tell himself he was super smart to receive self-induced stimuli, which when stating the idea was dumb delusional, he merely laughed and tried to go back to sleep some time around midday.

Chapter: 3.

Long term into adulthood, reduced brain chemical rewards stimuli being that the brain can only produce a limited amount of endorphins opioid reward stimuli lasting for short periods each time a stimuli response is required, encourages adults to seek: doctor prescribed opioid leading to eventual opioid addictions and/or merely being encouraged to experience illegal opioid or similar drugs; adrenaline sports enthusiasm; gambling addictions lasting for short periods before cash runs out; self-induced adrenaline addiction behaviours, exampling riding on fun park big dippers, long ago died film director Alfred Hitchcock stating, “why people like to dip their toes in fear?”; etc.,. That no complex thoughts were needed during school education learning of simple data processing remembering, I believe was falsely convincing successful data learners of their own superior intelligence, which without suffering from early school induced learning memory traumas, such short data streams would have been easy to remember.

School learnt mathematics relating to nothing physical, are mere remembering number charts, answers being correct or incorrect, not human brains exercising real grey thinking problem solving conclusions, reducing fears of not being able to correctly think.

Learning to quickly respond to task issues based on limited information, has human brains resorting to Neanderthal emotional driven inner brain organisms controlling human behaviours while human thinking frontal cortex is consumed with useless school learnt non thinking data. Aged three to five years old children had already learnt how to remember short data streams, remembered the difference between “a” something and “the” something, learning to think using long streams of data, were children's pathway to true intelligent thoughts, school education cut short, within the first few years of schooling, teaching children to keep themselves dumb.

Asking young children (particularly A grade students) whether they like school, children’s answers may more be about enjoying brain chemical reinforcement stimuli addictions of delusional self-esteem feeling more competitively intelligent than most other school students. I say remembering simple to understand knowledge merely reinforces self-esteem brain chemical rewards on understanding simple data knowledge school examination questions to be answered as evidence of intelligence compared to lower year lettered graded classes, self-medicating difficult to understand teachers adult speed spoken sentences from early school learning many long hours sitting in same environment classroom image day after day repressing mental stress traumas.

Old religions must know bible stories compared to modern television game show questions and answers, that school environment hurried learning, beginning during children’s early ages increasing mental stress, causing ADHD increased difficulty in remembering, that frequent examination low scores provided evidence for education departments to continue the same student mental stress memory trauma repression school learning which trauma memories are associated with school learning data. As this long paragraph reading conclusions doesn’t suit most high achieving school examination scores school educated readers, I easily assume my paragraph readings will quickly be judged incorrect, BS, never bothering to think, considering all the many remaining students poor examination scores whom will merely find adult employment in: waitressing; military; manual labouring; transport vehicle driving; building industry trades... stuck in these jobs due to school education psychologically conditioning children to repress mental stress traumas associated with learning data beginning at an age no older than aged six years, that most adults emotional decision making skills have an intelligence profile of aged six year old children. Because all chosen associated friends have similar simple limited intelligence abilities, adults consider themselves to be normal fun loving educated humans. When adults are challenged to process alternative to simple childlike fun thought to more complex thinking by outsiders similar to myself to that of listeners regular friends, often anger, or mere silence, or dominating conversation escapism avoidance tactics can be witnessed.

Children on enduring mental stress: Childhood brain chemical rewarding and fear repression, the two states of awareness, brain chemical stimuli sudden swings between fear repression to sudden change to self-medication brain chemical stimuli rewards, encourage memory retention of repeated “fear to positive reinforcement avoidance” behaviours, I could assume early childhood quick to apply hyperactive decision making to avoid feeling fear leads to confused what to do and/or what to think mental illness confused behaviours being brain positive reinforced brain chemical stimulated... doing something illegal, confused brain stimuli rewards incorrect behaviours. Young children’s brain positive reinforcement chemical stimuli learning behaviours are difficult to change, to repair when positive reinforced bad behaviours are continually repeated. When parents are lazy thinkers, parents escaping correcting their child’s dysfunctional behaviour issues, limited childhood confused stimuli rewards, repeated behaviours program long term responsive actions. Any assumed fear and/or mental stress, human behaviour escapes negative reinforcement into what’s perceived as positive reinforcement activities.

I speculate from my many years of limited conversational experiences with adults, school’s high examination score achievers aren’t wanting to believe my bad education learning theory readings, as high achievers are more tuned to ignoring ideas content within perceived information, focusing attention on schooling examination questions easy to remember answers, that as below has no: dates; place names; people names other than exampling Shakespeare plays… to remember, most school high score examination achievers will soon dismiss my theory readings. Add that I’m dismissing school high score examination achievers years of school work as higher than average wasted effort school work tasks designed to reduce students’ probable advance thinking intelligence, instead turning people into zombie good spelling and handwriting ability form filling out time consumer non-thinking corporate and government employees.

Paragraph: 4.

Short Summery:

School education is designed to punish human childhood emotional feel good to remember feel bad repression learning behaviours incentives to learn, schools using long hours of progressive mental stress, creating cognitive overload learning behaviour traumas, that subconscious memory processing is rendered disabled when young children are hurried to understand and to correctly remember new learning information when difficult to learn ideas are perceived, memory punishing fear traumas begin to be felt, for primary school age children learning difficulties lasting through to old age, repressing school learnt felt traumatising memories. Punishing/destroying childhood Darwin’s natural selection human incentives to learn, destroying children’s early childhood behaviour of intelligent thought processing are school education systems true learning behaviour intentions, resulting in children developing and repeatedly applying self-learnt repressing memorising avoidance tactics, successful avoidance applied tactics being felt as more brain chemical reward stimulating by children reducing and/or escaping felt mental stress traumas.

After school ends learning:

School learning conditioned human childhood behaviours feeling chemically rewarded when outside of school institutions, new informations are successfully avoided and/or cut short of accepting as being remembered, emotional decision making brain chemical reward pathway behaviour results in long term adult behaviour on learning new information, feels similar to school classroom learning teacher’s adult speed spoken new instructions, school students felt anxiety on being pressured to hurry understanding and remembering new information while children are feeling remembered earlier childhood repressed learning trauma. Children are being guided to ignore self-prompting to think and/or to doubt what are believed to be true on being told what to believe during childhood years, avoiding thought behaviours escaping thought into fun experiences continue into old age adulthood. Children are being guided into working class ADHD hyperactive attention deficit disorder working class robots.

Place a fog in boiling water the fog quickly jumps out. Place a fog in room temperature water, gradually bringing water to boiling temperature, fog fails to jump out while being boiled to death. So school education gradually moves children towards accepting mental stress as mental stress becomes little different than previous days experiences, yet as children use more fun experiences to self-medicate mental stresses, each fun experience becomes more brain chemically rewarded: endorphins; dopamine; stress induced cortisol induced adrenaline. The evidence can be exampled by teenagers need to party consuming large quantities of alcohol in large area noisy crowded locations, and that many young adults attend comedy stage stand up comedians, listening to not that humorous stories, laughing at perceived punch lines.

I conclude due to early school years of teacher question answer games, enthusiastic participating students need to self-medicate earlier learning traumas using/inducing brain chemical positive reinforcement stimuli to believe they’re super intelligent, using “not my fault” denial beliefs when believed answers were found to be incorrect, developed increased narcissism to feel more intelligent than other persons, many of whom narcissists read internet postings only to find people postings to criticise, instantly self-inducing brain chemical rewards, whom will without much doubt criticise my theories as being incorrect, BS.

There are many people whom must feel these brain chemical rewards to feel alive, otherwise without brain chemical rewards for being physically hyperactive and/or delusionally super intelligent for merely winning simple knowledge school classroom games and/or judging competitive sports. Being able to talk using their limited knowledge expressions of hobbies exampling: fishing; playing golf; watching sports… to friendly people using repeated friendly ceremonial behaviours: handshaking; hugging; verbal greetings and goodbyes… acting out happy performances. Without self-induced chemical rewards, feeling childhood depression I state are mostly caused by early age childhood school education mental stress traumas, life may not be worth living. 

Narcissism beliefs in being more intelligent than many other people, people deemed narcissists maybe more a specialist in a single field of knowledge, the difficulty in educational systems providing relevant knowledge without adding significant quantities of useless information attempting to turn learning relevant knowledge into a Darwin fight for survival tasks, traumatising all encouraged participants, punishing all participants learning incentives from attempting to gain relevant to money earning employment knowledge without undergoing punishing repressed traumas. Which I say is what thirteen years of school education is mostly about, as well as delaying young adults earning money through employment delaying couples first child, reducing future population growth.

One person I communicate with calling himself an A grade school student on mentioning school education as a cause of mental depression, which the person suffered serious problems with mental depression around year 2000 after his wife divorced him ten years earlier, his wife couldn’t handle his (her husband at the time) stated bighead beliefs about himself, I easily assume he could be diagnosed with narcissism. During year 2000, he (ex-A grade school student) told me, during him asking his psychiatrist whether his depression problem was self-induced or hereditary, the psychiatrist asked him what he thought, he replied it was hereditary, which he told me the psychiatrist laughed. Recently, when I was stating to him ‘school education was designed to teach children to keep themselves dumb’, he refuses to believe my on going stated arguments, showing a bit of anger as to prevent me from making further statements. His beliefs are his better than most people’s intelligence was due to being born intelligent, nature not nurture.

Disclaimer statement:

I have no government education curriculum establishment psychology degree nor have I red and/or attended lectures on psychology, which could be beneficial to this discussion/statements yet as I’m not influenced to mention remembered misleading established psychological theories as I believe most psychology theories fail to account for school education institutional mental stress traumas as a cause of human mental illnesses.

The subject of psychology during television programs' serious media forum discussions on mental illness, mental depression and suicide, seem more to do with the problems of mental illness and depression leading to many suicides, serious sounding concerned program hosts would rather quote statistics promoting the seriousness, yet no panel discussion contributors mention school education mental stress beginning at youthful ages have any contributing illnesses influences. Australian federal government financed ABC broadcaster several serious discussion programs are not worth listening to as most topics are statistic awareness, moral sounding theories with no solutions. Rolled over month after month, year after year.

I am an ideal placebo comparison to school educated people. When I was attending school I didn’t care to participate in school education learning during my period while being held in school classrooms. During my age of seven years I spent one year away from school, spending much of that time in bed diagnosed with pneumonia. During that one year period, I presume my brain developed as human survival of the fittest natural selection intended homo-sapien brains were designed to develop. When I went back to school, I rarely ever heard from teachers anything worth remembering, everything was about spelling words copying words into textbooks from chalkboards, I don’t believe I allowed myself to be overly concerned about school education, as I went through year after year of classes into high school. During primary school, I remember saying to myself several times, when my age permits I’ll leave school. On attending high school I was placed in a low F grade class, where students were thought to leave school as they turned the minimum legal age to leave school, age sixteen years, not to have at least finished year ten, only to receive from the schooling system a letter of assessment. I left school during mid year eight aged sixteen years, being given a reference letter stating good attendance and good behaviour.

Having left school, I obtained employment with a motor vehicle body repair four year apprenticeship contract, went to a technical/trades college with fourteen other technical/trades college students whom all left school at the end of year ten. I came first in college examinations twice out of three yearly examinations, the examination I failed to come first was due to a written test, twenty percent of that year’s examination scores were based on handwriting skills which I was unaware of until after the examination ended. At aged twenty three years I moved to a small coastal town, I built a small factory, factory size based on what I could afford, one year later sold the factory for a profit, aged twenty five years I built a small house. Eventually when the house loan was paid out, left that vehicle repair trade to start a business repairing transistor colour televisions after a man told me how colour televisions worked, I purchased two books entitled “Analysing AC” basic electrical theory from a 1980s Tandy store. As good as I was repairing televisions, having too few obtainable television schematic diagrams, after two years I left that self-employed business to begin another self-employed business installing television aerials on new houses, preparing for local area updating/expanding number of broadcast television stations to new UHF aerial frequency system. To this day, as a retired from the workforce being an elderly adult I have never during my lifetime experienced any mental depression, nor do I encourage any self-induced (self-medicating) brain chemical stimuli decision making behaviours. The very few periods I have felt brain felt bubbling chemical endorphins to self-medicate work stress I had quickly ignored and/or repressed continued brain chemical stimulation. I haven’t passed any alcohol past my lips since year 2003, and rarely consumed alcohol before 2003. I haven’t consumed any opioid doctor pre-scripted or illegal drugs, having no mental anxiety or trauma issues to be medicated.

School education mental stress can be assumed by children whom fail to achieve perceived learning behaviours, believed judged dumb by teachers and other classroom children whom wanting to raise their own self-esteem by trying to feel like winners and/or brainy achievers, by attempting to destroy other slow to learn children’s self-esteem.

Behaviour pathways of not my fault denial and unrealistic delusional beliefs about the self in order to increase brain chemical reward stimuli. As brain chemical rewards stimuli increases as each invented excuse becomes aware, childhood emotional decision making learning becomes brain chemically rewarded, repeated awareness of excuses increase self-esteem feelings, new attempts to be a winner taking on physical activities playground sports, the need to think is reduced, replaced by visually seen need to physically respond repetitive actions as experienced in sports. In gambling, the easy physical action of pulling a poker machine leaver or pressing buttons to visually see icons of winning rewards, denying losses as mere bad luck, a self-induced chemical rewarded delusion of intelligence replaces the failure of childhood school work academic tasks. Child playground bullying by low self-esteem self-perceived classroom task losers bullies attempting to raise self-esteem brain chemical rewards stimuli, creating continued need to induce brain chemical rewards to self-medicate and reduce being aware of school mental stress trauma awareness.

Racist attitudes, being better than another different skin colour and/or different facial appearance races, the self being perceived better than other races, would raise self-esteem without having to prove better: any number of different intelligences; physical strength ability; physical appearance… that parents limited conversational skills having attended schools themselves repressed of intelligent thought, using racist comments between similar races, the feeling of saying something friends agree with, increasing laughter, positive emotional reinforcement brain chemicals intended for increasing childhood learning intelligence behaviours, stated racist words feel truthful.

School education’s limited/simple/shallow depth of teaching discussion conversations allows simple positive emotional reinforcement stimuli to be maintained. Simple thought behaviour follows the behaviour of after school self-medication keeping conversations simple, instead of children having no mental stress, children being curious to learn about more complex topics.

From children's first days of schooling children’s increasing awareness of mental stress, little free will choice not to comply with teacher’s instructions, many children build subconscious memory attitudes against authority, resulting in future: illegal drug consumption; driving motor vehicles while over the limit of alcohol consumption, to drive a motor vehicle with only a fear of being jailed prevents more people driving under the influence of alcohol; during covid-19 lock-down restriction rules, ignoring new behaviour rules to prevent their own risk of dying or being seriously ill, limited time to think hurrying school conditioning, an opportunity to ignore authority recommended rules, not wanting to wear uncomfortable face masks. Teenagers are frequently reported in the news having close to each other parties with barely a person wearing a face mast to be seen. School education’s cognitive overloaded learning, forcing students to hurry and if possible cut corners so teachers can mark student performances under overloaded mental stress, school students still in school and all adult ages having left school, many educated students and adults are instinctively going to ignore under stressful demands what they feel they can get away with on remembering how student brain chemically stimulating life was by getting away with ignoring/not doing teachers assigned homework tasks.

Covid-19 home schooling failed compliance, reflects non-compliant children’s school stress self-programmed desires to learn, that children’s free will after finally leaving school as teenagers, teenagers are going to want to ignore learning anything past playing sports, which is what many teenagers do after each school day ends as an example of teenagers emotional decision making behaviours, that high youth unemployment reflects the quality of school leavers education.

From early student learning ages, school education doesn’t educate students to achieve good quality performed tasks, instead limited time to finish perform tasks before end of time permitted, as limited time means students need to hurry rather than experience doing tasks at best quality performance, students fail to realise their true thinking how best to perform tasks ability.

The Long Awaited Paragraph: 5.

I speculate... most best student achievers learnt how to read having been taught by parents before young children first attending school, that parents help children understand homework tasks to best perform finished products, setting children on the correct course for all the following school years. Alternatively, student poor academic achievers received no parental help before nor after first attending school.

Poor academic task performers tend to spend after school spare time practising in a sport: basketball; baseball; football… burning off stress brain concludes as prolonged fear fight or flight cortisol induced adrenaline. whom I would recommend poor academic achievers should be attempting to learn how to play chess, learning to think out chess move problem issues, remembering tactics, yet playing chess is never encouraged by parents or school teachers, I assume particularly not to encourage playing chess to poor academic achievers, yet if attempts to teach students chess were applied by education departments students would probably be shown how not to play chess as to be shown how to incorrectly play chess, as a further punishment for being capable to think using childhood curiosity incentives.

As retired military personnel complain of mental depression PTSD in larger percentage numbers to that of civilian populations whom having not been in military careers,ex-military personnel long after leaving military service, ex-military personnel continue to suffer mental depression PTSD many ex-military personnel committing suicide. I easily speculate military boot camp training and serving in dangerous police action/war environments for long periods increases long periods of mental stress, to be alert to sudden dangers thinking awareness. Having left military service, subconscious memories retain mental stress awareness during instances of needing to think what needs to be done to live a normal life.

Easy description that school education trained students to choose careers which was first thought to have little to do with intelligent thought decision making, not realising increased awareness of fear fight and flight thought awareness increases cortisol increasing adrenaline fuelling hyperactivity fuelled enthusiasm was school education’s intended purpose. Delusional personalities for physical action sports, if students couldn’t find a career in sports, the next career could be in a military service, even at the risk of being killed in combat. My knowledge that late nineteenth century military training used competitive ball sports to aid training soldiers for combat.

Human constant fear induced cortisol (chemical imbalance) for long periods are claimed to have long term potential future medical illnesses, I leave interested readers on effects of too much cortisol to find further information.

I also state, brain chemical imbalance being a broad term diagnoses, (I’m not a doctor) has to do with mental stress self-medicating: cortisol induced adrenaline; endorphins; dopamine… self-induced brain chemical rewards for achieving behavioural tactics rewards to self-medicate school mental stress. I also theorise as many adults leave schooling, many adults take on hurried work tasks employment, stopping tasks for a period of rest, the sudden stop creates anxiety to do something, many people begin smoking cigarettes the mere moving a cigarette reduces anxiety to be doing nothing.

I have heard economies described as: “being in an military industrial economy society”.

Many years ago I heard an idea that governments and corporations don’t hire future teenager employees until finishing year ten, now encouraging teenagers to stay at school being there are few employment opportunities for teenagers, I suspect year twelve examination evaluations only use competitive number score grading low number scores to use teenagers for low wage manual labours. The lowest ATAR number scorers leave schooling to enter a low skilled manual labour employment market.

If school low academic achievers had left a system that was obviously failing poor academic achievers, obtaining some reduced need for school taught skills, the rest period could allow teenage brains to regain human abilities to think, yet instead follow first feel good behaviour to self-medicate using fun and dumb sports activities, I strongly suggest must be repressed, in order to place boredom incentives to learn something, beginning with reading worth while to remember skilled work practices knowledge. As more books are being red, ability to correctly spell words increases. The longer school education persists the more self-medication for having distracting from learning traumas' fun laughter and self-judged sports simple/delusional emotional decision making, increased difficulty in reversing poor hurried brain self-medicating behaviours, will exist.

Teenagers need for hyperactive noisy music fun activity distractions (that teenagers like to party) from serious thinking repressing thought traumas, the more progressive years through school the more homework studying traumas being experienced, I claim increased mental illness and probable depression will result particularly for students whom should have left school earlier whom have little to no corporate record keeping academic employment future, that all levels of governments and corporations don’t want to hire teenagers capable of intelligent thought, don’t want thinking teenagers capable of analysing and communicating problem and better employment work practises. The same example that below aged twenty five years youthful adults pay hirer insurance premiums than older than aged twenty five years adults, the excuse being younger than aged twenty five year old brains are not yet mature enough to proficiently drive motor vehicles. I blame too many years experiencing mental stress repressing childhood and teenager learning thought traumas, repressing time consuming thought to complete school assigned tasks, students have few experiences outside classroom confinements, having spent much of their free will time judging other students perceived dumb behaviours to raise their own self-esteem. Brain chemical emotional decision making has few driving motor vehicles experiences, brains have more judgements associated with simpler ball sports than sensible motor vehicle application of driving experiences.

As humans spend much of their time distracting themselves from serious advanced thinking traumas (excluding any media repeated presented topics), once problems begin, exampling: dependent relationship and/or marriage breakups; death of loved person or pet… a recurring awareness to think, to reason why sadness becomes prolonged, mere experiencing thought after repressing thought going back to early childhood, the sadness of recently lost beloved person has triggered ongoing depression, that sufferers are less concerned with the dependent past missing relationship used to aid distraction from learning trauma thoughts using fun laughter activities, suddenly love one fun distractions end void of fun are left with long ago repressed thought traumas. Quick solution is to seek doctor’s prescribed opioid drug medication, beginning a probable life of drug, alcohol and/or gambling addiction.

I would even theorise early fun years relationship, images of each other’s happy fun loving faces repeated over and over during early relationship period, as adults age in to fewer fun loving laughter experiences, the mere seeing fun time loving faces, brains subconsciously feel those earlier years of fun loving activities. Just a theory.

Chapter: 6.

Human mental stress needs to feel brain chemical rewards, in many instances young children before first attending school, experienced a sense of chemical reward on physical activity achievement. Children on attending school, mental stress slowly building up, when learning new information, through teachers spoken talk and chalk teaching instructions, young students sudden increase of mental stress awareness, on not quickly understanding teachers instructions, young students will learn to not want to learn new ideas, increasing prompting previous memory awareness of repressed attached traumatic not understanding ideas memories, felt as fear prompting fight or flight choosing flight repression reaction resulting in reduced awareness of increasing mental stress, free will instant ignoring adult spoken instructions learnt behaviours, fighting the with self to listen to teacher's words. Resulting in ADHD children, possible angry behaviour towards parents while parents instructing their child’s correct behaviour.

Children to reduce awareness of increasing mental stresses, built up trauma awareness could be labelled/diagnosed as PTSD, children revert behaviours back towards before children first attended school which child hyperactive fun behaviours can last for an entire life time. As children age, as physical ability increases, choosing to participate in competitive sports, deluding themselves on being a winner, offsetting being a classroom competitive academic tasks loser. Teachers encourage students by means of primary school question and answer games to be competitive within the classroom environment.

Childhood learning should have been about working out surrounding visually seen environment instructed by adults, better decision making on socially accepted behaviours. Instead children become black or white judgemental decision making, concerned about boosting self-esteem awareness, (which with no school mental stress learning issues, self-esteem problems wouldn't have been a need to increase self-esteem concerning issue).

Many to most children and teenagers trying to repress intelligent thought traumas in order to reduce mental stress awareness, that when intelligent thought becomes aware, fears concerning losing/falling behind classroom competitive teacher assigned tasks, that by not thinking prompted thoughts aids ignoring not being a loser, repressing thought labelled worrying, focusing attentions towards simpler child-like fun awareness, older aged teenagers wanting to drink alcohol to aid repressing thought worrying and to party every night.

At this point in the reading, readers should read my added reading on this website found using this website's top "More" or "Menu" bar "Moon Landing Lies" to read why spacecraft hot gases rocket engines are useless without a pressurised atmosphere.

A grade winner achiever children on seeing academic loser children, A graders feel positive reinforcement brain chemical stimuli while comparing themselves with academic loser children, that the scale of being self-perceived winner highly intelligent emotional decision makers, that realistically what school students are learning requires little to no real thinking skills only needing data memory skills which is only achieved due to lower levels of mental stress awareness during primary school years, being able to process teacher’s instructions. Myself knowing several A grade academic achievers, in which they refuse to contemplate media’s false/fake story presentations of many space probes amazing achievements. 1970s Voyager space probes: one Voyager space probe to this day continues to travel away from the sun, as though the sun has zero gravity influence on space probes travelling away from the sun. That space probes use solar system planet’s gravity to slingshot spacecraft probes into new directions at faster speeds. I theorise so impossible to calculate spacecraft probes speed after being rocketed into space, on leaving earth’s gravity. Solar System planets travelling thousands of Kilometres pre hour in their own orbit, NASA space probes travelling at perfectly planned speed to arrive at a perfect location at the perfect time to complete an impossible slingshot task, any persons whom can think should realise the fictional fake news statement, yet my known A grade achiever student beliefs in their own delusional decision making ability refuses to be told what they believe is true is actually false. The emotional decision making trauma of being deceived cannot be comprehended. That their prided A grade school education lead them on a pathway of quick easy belief of poorly explained headlined statements self-deceived excellent A grade class score intelligence self-delusion, cannot be comprehended, repressed thought behaviour leading to new ideas that old beliefs are incorrect are meet with instant rejection brain chemically rewarded and/or reduced fear of experiencing childhood wanting repressed teacher talk and chalk traumas when/then to have traumatising information felt to be incorrect, is quickly rejected.

On stating spacecraft probes have a slowing speed when travelling away from the sun due to the sun's gravity influence, listeners become inventive, as to say “science has found a way for spacecraft probes to have no gravity influence with the sun.” My retired primary school principle believed and stated spacecraft probes are propelling themselves through space using radioactive nuclear energy. I can't imagine how that was possible, yet the 1970s university graduate is so quick to decide adrenaline hyperactively pumped up with amazing media story beliefs, he refuses to believe he could be incorrectly fooled by media stories.

High school’s multiple teachers setting tasks on students, teachers attempting to keep up with each year’s education department set out curriculum tasks, producing student cognitive overload mental stress, students brain chemical rewards for reducing set tasks compliance corner cutting, encourages future adult employment tasks corner cutting reduced workload poor tradesmen-ship, to those students and employees whom don’t reduce cognitive overload tasking by corner cutting may suffer increased mental illnesses A grade student mental depression compared to lazy lower grade sports enthusiasts students and to that of easy employment tasks workers. The parents whom instructed their children how to read, capable of good reading skills children whom complete as many as possible of all teachers assigned tasks, many of whom increases their own future risks of mental illnesses, reading pointless Shakespearian ideas of murder and royal lead politics, remembering names and selective phrases as to feel brilliant for being able to achieve high examination scores in medieval Shakespearian greed, revenge and murder stories even when compared to modern life, to future employment tasks remembered knowledge is useless. If only to credential students for future higher education, fatigue punishment after education learning ends, adults are not wanting to continue being excellent achievers.

Both academic and non academic achievers self-gratify themselves when criticising information which cannot be quickly understood, experiencing learning something traumas influenced by, without realising an answer to primary school teacher questions within that primary school three second answer period, quickly feeling relieved from processing new information by accusing introduced new information as incorrect BS. As spacecraft probes are easy to understand after Apollo Moon landing and Star Wars movies simple images, listeners easy to understand media presented statements are quickly and easily believed as true self-promoting brain chemical rewards of clever emotional decision making intelligence. When introducing repetitive information listeners reinforce their own self-beliefs in good understanding of spacecraft rocket technology by merely remembering headlined statements. As I express more detailed problem issues with spacecraft probes movement in no atmosphere space, ignorant to detailed information listeners are confused, listeners' intelligence being insulted, listeners will soon become bipolar angry leading to avoidance of the issue.

US President Thomas Jefferson stated: “a man who reads nothing at all is better educated than a man who reads nothing but newspapers”.

Modern media news and all the entertainment industry should be accused of maintaining same presentation information as little more than short statements on subject ideas no more complex than child intelligence (serious murder) stories similar to Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.

Childhood learning subconscious memory processing senses: hearing; seeing; smelling; touch… experiences should build ideas of knowledge, subconscious processing making departments/areas/boxes of memory idea associations reinforced with chemical stimuli and fear repression. School education information often has few if any knowledge associations being that examination questions fail to build up knowledge association experiences for thinking purposes. Instead, knowledge similar to television quiz questions, that most ideas are simple single few words sentence questions requiring very few words needed for answers. Students are not thinking prepared to associate multiple ideas together, using several ideas to conclude a single solution to an idea. Exampling why no man has walked on the moon after being informed the many impossible difficulties moon landings have. Adults quickly become traumatised by fear of not quickly understanding, scanning subconscious memories containing no comparing ideas, students feeling not knowing fears from teacher questions students not knowing answers feeling dumb embarrassments from other classroom students believed judgements adding to existing traumas. Educated adults trying to understand, feeling childhood repressed subconscious memories, scanning memories for question comparison memory answers, standard time to answer teaches questions runs out, resulting in feeling not knowing answer traumas, denial leads to eventual statement that “provided information (example: no man walked on the moon) is incorrect”, feeling less traumatised emotional decision making evidence correct for stating provided information is incorrect. News media and entertainment stories continue to be short headline statements, that story after story have little to no linked need to memorise one conclusion, that media entertainment story scene after scene scenes have little to no relevance to watchers combined conclusions. News and entertainment media could actually reduce viewers homo-sapien thinking intelligence using false/fake stories. Many movie and television series use crime and murder detective scripted stories to limit audiences need to associate stories with their own verbal communication skills employment and social life, other than listening to good scripted English languages.

By hurrying children’s thinking processes allowing children’s mental stress to become aware to children, children move learning priority from thinking about their environment senses, communication with other humans, to being aware of how they feel, that how they feel whether increasing mental stress leading to repression and avoidance tactics, to feeling enjoyment having fun expressed with laughter and using hyperactivity to distract themselves from mental stress awareness. Within hurrying thought processes, repeatedly experiencing hurried emotional decision making inspired actions reduced time to think of probable consequences of decided to do actions, and that when decided actions result in poor outcomes, short attention span towards intelligent thought evaluation thereafter poor subconscious memory precessing through fear of not being intelligent decision maker denial, has children performing similar behaviours leading to poor outcome conclusions, which in past decades has teachers punishing children using physically harmful punishments, “Caning”.

Void of government schooling, Children left to their own resources, within permitted time would have built up a broad base of knowledge not being held back by hurrying repressed not knowing traumas. Where school education forced the same limited simple information processing, free will (free rang) children would on realising knowledge content and value, would move onto new sources of relevant information. I say ruling classes have not wanted children to experience more complex collective knowledge evaluation/appraisal. Allowing children to learn at home, allows children more opportunities to read information rather than listen to government curriculum forced onto teachers controlled flows of information traumatising children’s ability to subconsciously process information.

An Australian television program entitled “Gruen” has a host presenting television commercials, asking four media commercial critics they’re professional opinions about how each presented commercial sells their product. During political election campaigns, campaign experts organise advertisings. When elected politicians are often court by media journalists doing something embarrassing, becoming a scandal, I say when there are too many scandals, populations are being sold/convinced of ideas that media are separated from government politicians anecdotally proving democracy is real/legitimate/honest/true to form.

Children, teenagers, adults have an ability to see things, human brains determining incorrect: behaviours; images; procedures; evaluations; spoilt food smells; etc., Holding children and teenagers inside classrooms for many hours five days a week, reduces human ability to experience and remember correct listed to above ideas. Exampling playing chess where entire images and game plan plots can to remembered, that once opponents play a move, what alterations to game plan changes, players should quickly evaluate opponents moves allowing miner changes to intended strategies, whether to defend or attack.

The same intelligence to determine whether too many media presented political scandals are truthful or mere fake news propaganda, I state shallow information school education long hours of mental stress denies students whom age into adults, most all adults will fail to accept criticised political news reported events to be fake news propaganda entertainment distractions.

Over time I have witnessed people’s behaviours, not applying/associating poor behaviours with school education until during a 1999 government financed radio program, guest speaker stated that school education was designed to keep human behaviours less than intelligent so when governments do bad things to citizenry, citizenry won’t realise bad things are being done to citizenry. Exampling: During 1990 to 1992 Australian federal government gave Australia a high at times twenty percent interest rates recession after a previous two years of around four percent interest rates boom period set into action after the 1987 Wall Street market crash. I realised the federal government was intentionally trapping people into debt only to triple interest rates on a pretence of high inflation squashing (I can argue increasing interest rates causes business higher costs inflation), forcing many people servicing loans into bankruptcy, sending several market traded investment companies into bankruptcy. At the time, never did any local media and/or did any government opposition parties make any similar accusations of intentional preplanned population financial hardship. In 1999 a government financed radio station known as “Radio National” during 1999 a guest speaker had spoken twice a week between March to November guest speaker making many statements, on one occasion to this effect ‘that school education was to dumb children down, that adults would merely reflect their own childhood self-learnt to mental stress reactions’ was by myself easily believed, gaining my trust, only by mid 1999 to have my wealth seriously reduced by radio station guest speaker future “world share markets crash sending all world banks into bankruptcy” further statements. Finally in late October 1999 radio station guest threatened listeners not to seek legal action against radio station as police files will be removed from records, adding further life threatening Radio National listeners statements. Only listeners capable of wanting to listen to new information whom I assume were not judgemental were continuing to listen to two weekly sessions month after month.

During very low interest rate periods, many people having bank term deposits, reduced interest rate incomes, many people seek financial advice from licensed financial advisors whom collect commissions from self-interested investment companies whom state the company pays guaranteed high interest rate rewards to investors, yet fail to tell investors ‘investment companies use the cash as a margin high risk deposit, borrowing lower interest rate money from banks used to invest in whatever, which could be market shares’. During future bust periods, assets and market share values fall, often resulting in investment company bank lenders declared margin calls. Banks gets first opportunity to sold assets money, while other investors receives what’s left after bankruptcy accountant cost commissions, often no moneys are remaining for fixed high interest rate assured reward investors. The scam works as poorly educated traumatised to think investors have faith in governments assumed to be enforced financial governance laws.

The pretend separation between government law makers and corporations including financial lenders, media stories propaganda of royal commission investigations into Australian bad behaviour bank lending, continued fines on banks bad behaviours merely increase citizenry beliefs in the separation between all entities: governments; corporations; legal justice systems. All of which appointed leaders are derived from one money supply lobbying system, the rich in control of political candidate donations, whom as elected politicians appoint judges, and the super rich whom appoint company/corporation board directors whom many have retired from politics, whom their continued good fortune depends on population control allowing the super rich boys club maintaining their tax exempt laws trust accounts wealth.

For the same reasons the Catholic Church were convincing the not so intelligent people whom couldn’t doubt of an afterlife existence choice of heaven or hell with purgatory in between, the church asking for money to keep believers out of hell by forgiving sins using Mass ceremonies spoken in Latin. Governments use bank deregulation booms which most all booms end in busts, free market globalisation uncontrolled financial institution lending, trusted media reported politician excuses being the cause of economic busts leading to many personal asset bankruptcies are in my opinion somewhat intentionally planned outcomes, that bust excuses are fake news. Michael Moore documentary movies somewhat makes the same claims about USA political parties and presidents. My assertion that when USA presidents state they want to make America great again, I can easily assume the Great War; The Great Depression of 1930s; The Great Recession of 2009; murderous Alexandra The Great... are similarities USA presidents are referring to. I quickly realise, other people capable of doubt and with little to no subconscious memory processing learning traumas can also determine great is not good. Media are setting future capable of better intelligent thinking people up for a “trust us as we recommend a plan to save listeners wealth for when busts happen thinkers will realise busts were intentionally planned, because we know thinkers know too much for us to double cross” to be eventually double crossed and threatened to keep silent, many government assassination movies beginning with ‘James Bond 007 license to kill’ to remind people of the threats. I don’t even bother to attempt to convince listeners of 1999 Y2K economic crash, that all world banks were planned to declare themselves bankrupt government financed radio station prediction scam radio station ‘Radio National’ was promoting.

Young children whom learn using emotional decision making skills, children held in same image gloomy classrooms for many hours a day, five days a week for many weeks during school term periods, teachers setting simple repetitive tasks, such limited experiences while feeling mental stresses must alter children’s learning ability behaviours. That many children are diagnosed with ADHD aged seven years, after being held with no free will choice within classrooms, yet no independent media commentators argue alternative reasoning that school education is not good for children’s thinking abilities.

Australian government financed television forty five minutes long serious documentary news program entitled “Four Corners” on November 11, 2019 presented an episode on why Australian school education is failing school students. A teacher stated “many children show progress in the first two years of schooling, then after flat-line” several more statements indicated students declining performance, still the forty five minutes time length, not getting to important point comments quickly, many people don’t watch the serious documentary program, and that other serious media fail to continue any debate on the program’s relevant information statements.

My continued experiences are that listeners to my introductions on how school education is intentionally sabotaging children’s learning ability using mental stress, few listeners care, listeners feel as they’re hearing new theories, their own school repressed learning traumas quickly reject my statements, listener’s first stated excuse to block hearing my continued statements I hear are that if something was seriously wrong in society they through media journalists would read and/or hear about it. I state media’s constant news stories limited idea scandals are propaganda, convincing readers and/or listeners transparent democracy governments are real, I say the limited intelligence use of people’s more advanced thinking skills intelligence, advanced homo-sapien intelligence thinking conclusions are held back by school education, allowing/reinforcing childhood quick simple emotional decision making beliefs to feel true, that verbally presented new information feels traumatising, fear felt as being incorrect reduces fear feelings fight or flight reactions, convincing human behaviour to reject new information theory ideas, even though the evidence of most people keeping themselves dumb, not increasing skilled thinking knowledge, wage/self-employed earning abilities. Instead most adults are spending spare time not working in employment, instead having child-like fun, concerning weekends with sports and/or other child-like fun recreational activities. Adults as children having spent many hours held in gloomy classrooms, enjoy weekends and holidays seeing more colourful images. The lack of skilled thinking allows many workers to work in low paying reduced hours part time employment, having to work in more than one unskilled thinking employment opportunity. After periods of unemployment, receiving government unemployment payments people are least likely to complain about minimum wage physically exhausting boring employment labours. A period of unemployment no spare money to do anything enjoyable boredom, conditions people’s judgements to work in unfavourable employment, not to lose undesirable employment attempting to find more desirable employment, in fear of spending long periods on unemployment benefits, that in USA unemployment benefits have expiry periods.

Year 2020 Covid-19 quick spread virus where government health department bureaucrats seem to fall short of acting on introducing lock-down emergencies. Employees become specialists in one field of expertise and clueless with all other ideas not attaining to their specific job description application. Clueless people cannot think ahead, waiting for events to fail before forming a committee of clueless qualified experts to solve problem issues. School education over worked students have had students cutting corners, reducing tasks, finish tasks waiting to be told what to do next, that corporate and government employees use cutting corners to reduce work loads to have more time to experience fun, television series “The Office”.

On watching many television European history documentaries thinking what’s missing from documentary story ideas, I would be confident to state: for thousands of years, self-appointed and birth right privileged leaders supported by many similar birthright tribal leaders, giving themselves noble titles like “Lord”, leaders were more concerned about peasant rebellions during periods of hardship due to seasonal failed food crops, that privileged nobles and guarding nobles soldiers are fed first as peasants are prayed upon and terrorised into submission. Keeping peasants dumb using church religious story teachings amounting to short vague statements and afterlife promises, asking/demanding peasants to obey church and noble class leaders. Obey and behaviour, a pathway to an afterlife heaven, being buried in church consecrated grounds, priests words were more affective to control peasant behaviours than soldiers spear-shaking threats. The church became a spying network on peasants intentions, that as the Jesus story was about accusing temple priests of money theft through trickery leading to Jesus death, peasant confessions to priests under a false claim of secrecy, have many accused heretics being burnt to death. The Catholic church’s teaching claims the universe circled a flat earth, new Galileo Galilei theories that all solar system planets circled the sun, was rejected as the church controlled all information in order to maintain peasant beliefs, church priests had all the simple answers to everything, everything created in six literal days by a magical god. Catholic ordained priests were the only persons permitted to pray to god, that peasants weren’t permitted to pray to god, that priests spoken in Latin words had some control over gods magical prayers granting intentions. When events failed to favour peasant lives, through bad weather and earth quakes, priests stated, peasants faith weren’t as devoted to god work (building churches) as peasant spare time labours were devoted to god’s church, everyone was working for god as god intended. I state peasants limited intelligence ability with church domination of propaganda controls must have resembled today’s aged five years children, Catholic church controlled peasants believing everything peasants were told. Today’s school education systems have much the same effect on human intelligence, by filling human memories with useless data and fear of being wrong when not following political and media misdirections, therefore believing media propaganda short statements, not that school educated people believe today’s politicians are honest, that to convince citizenry the democratic transparency process of media exposing all politicians’ inappropriate behaviours, being so effective, I can’t convince listeners to realise the reality in my stated conclusions.

Country governments are in fear of their own populations during poor economic outcome periods. The French and Russian Revolutions are consecutive generations of ruling class wealthy families’ reminders of what happens when working class populations are prepared to organise rebellious activities against government economic repressive authorities, exampling: Late 1960s USA student street protests against federal draft laws drafting teenagers into military service to fight in a Vietnam War against communism, USA rich/wealthy class would not want communism or any similar socialist ideas in USA culture; today’s opposition to USA state police forces policing tactics against Negro Americans street protests; recent ongoing Hong Kong street protests; Middle Eastern civil wars and accused corrupted governments street protests. American War of Independence in 1776 protected a one party system (Democrat party) of rich people concerned about laws that protect the wealth of land owners and people with a significant amount of money, whom at the time, were the only people allowed to vote politicians into a government office. All future political parties were derived from the Democratic Party.

At the end of World War Two surviving military personnel coming home from war having trained to kill an enemy, maybe rather disappointed to return to a 1930s depression employment environment after having fort a war financed by whatever credit wars were financed with, that there’s plenty of money to fight wars yet no money to create employment for poor working class families during peace time. I assume a communist threat was feared by the rich, religious, corporate and government leaders. Yet, post WWI, most teenagers left school having not learnt much as my mother stated her father removed her from school aged fourteen years in 1934, my mother told me her father asked her to spell egg each morning before going off to attend school. She told me half the time she spelt egg, “egg” the other half she spelt egg, “eeg”. Her father stated she wasn’t learning anything at school. I’m concluding education departments were sabotaging school children’s ability to think. My mother also told me after WWII had ended, she had to teach my father how to spell so he could pass an examination to enter the police force.

Old Catholic Church religion god like magic stories and eating Jesus flesh and drinking Jesus blood cannibal ceremonies distract human self-awareness to think how life really began, that the church had all the answers as answers were magical god creations. Today modern entertainment distractions are: soft sex; crime; violence; car chase scenes; sports; historic documentaries don’t mention leaders concerns over poor seasonal food production, and growth in population, warring with neighbour tribes killing each other to reduce mouths to feed on both sides of tribal borders.

During all media stories, few stories have any personal bad outcomes advice examples related to working class realistic events. Boom bust economics predicted busts are repressed to people planning to purchase property during boom periods. As eventual busts materialise events are blamed on market forces. The faith in believing what citizens are told based on years of media reported scandals most of which scandals are about politicians whom very few people go to jail, that most scandals fall short of criminal actions, that the few whom go to jail provide counter argument idea evidence to my similar arguments. Even Nixon gets pardoned. Populous belief that if something was wrong, citizenry would hear and/or read about wrong doings, Nixon was a significant promoter of that transparency myth.

Corporations would rather hire limited intelligence workers whom once obtaining employment, employees won’t spend spare time increasing thinking skills learning more technical information and/or business investment knowledge in order to obtain better paying less physically exhausting employment, and/or having better management skills than existing corporation management skills, corporations and governments existing management high income earners are conspiring to prevent working class populations from experiencing more advance thinking skills, using school education mental stress subconscious memory repression, long term felt as mental depression when people try to think less fun experiences, choosing to think more intelligent evaluations, that subconscious memory processing cannot easily process new thinking ability information without feeling school education mental stress traumas, leading to repression tactics: adult alcohol consumption; drug use leading to drug addictions; sports enthusiasm addiction; delusional love relationships… to mention a few behaviour addictions.

Again as above statements are new to readers, relief of new information traumas subconscious memory processing attempting to associate new ideas with existing beliefs, feeling teacher question and answer games not knowing answer traumas, readers will quickly reject my statements, feeling reduced metal stress awareness, quickly assuming their own judgement followed by brain chemical positive reinforcement stimuli, they’re better feeling judgements were correct, fooling the self, keeping themselves dumb, as school education taught children to remember all traumas associated with school classroom education.

Step two, more detailed how school education teaches children to keep themselves dumb:

Babies are born having no realisation they as babies will learn to talk. Before attending school young children will be able to talk, to obtain services and attention from parents and probable siblings, if only to see something moving in front of them. Children’s brain chemical stimulation on attempting positive reinforcement behaviours, getting parents to do things for them (the child) to not only be serviced: fed; nappy change; taken for a walk in a pram, also on successful achievement to receive a brain chemical reward: endorphins; dopamine; reduce boredom… evolution has preprogrammed human children’s motivation to learn, to assimilate into tribes, that born children whom don’t progress intelligence to be worked in the fields, to fight in battle, are soon gotten rid of. 

Evolution’s quick recognition/awareness of fear fight or flight induced cortisol brain creates adrenaline to increase motivation and brain awareness need for quick action solutions, followed by brain chemical stimuli: endorphins; dopamine; distraction from any perceived boredom. Escaping a dangerous wild animal or an attacking enemy, awareness of fear and brain chemical stimuli, aid progressing children through life’s problems.

Evolutionary emotional fear and solution brain stimuli motivation using subconscious memory, gradually processes neuron connections between: visual images; smells; sounds; heard words; word meaning sentences, prompting remembered responses…

As more experiences are subconsciously processed and remembered under good time to think thinking environments, the difference between highly intelligent aged five years children compared to ADHD physically hyperactive dumb intelligence children much depends on listed above sensory experiences and quiet time to develop subconscious to respond memories. In the end humans are self-programming advance computer brain comparison of memories and self-programmed reactions.

My added observations are that children in order to process subconscious memories to believe and perform quickly and correctly, unsuccessful performed behaviours which ended badly awareness of bad results, are felt badly and remembered with fearful attachment memories, subconscious memory processing builds up don’t respond to bad memories to quickly recognise not to consciously become aware therefore reinforces memories to what doesn’t work, that children’s subconscious memory induce fear to reinforce not to think about what doesn’t work using subconscious repress fear memory attachments. By mentally stressing children while children are attempting to learn, remember something, remember everything, additional mental stress, the more added mental stress, the more difficulty human brains have in remembering knowledge.

This repressed memory information processing system guides children through good and bad experiences aiding children’s self-programming beliefs and behaviours.

Psychology practitioners on counselling patients with traumatising repressed memories, psychology practitioners to my awareness, aid in guiding trauma patients through experiences, to uncover what traumas are about, that a process of desensitisation removes childhood subconscious remembered fear traumas. Such believed traumas maybe one off events, rather than many similar traumatic events.

A child who experiences a single traumatic event say child molesting, the single traumatic event may not be the total traumatic felt experience, that school education holding children in child like emotional decision making behaviours, children’s brains fail to mature thinking experiences, that childhood single event traumatic experiences using a correctly mature adult brain may not be considered traumatic enough to a mature thinking adult brain, that similar memory prompting seen events fail to bring back traumatic memories, that school educated children awareness to think traumas are most of the traumas being felt on reliving childhood memories single event traumatic occasion.

Before children first attend school, most children are very curious, asking adults many questions, I assume, to many adults questions are annoying and/or too difficult (having no remembered fun experience rewards) for adults to want to answer.

I state if children were to continue on humans’ true behavioural pathway of curious to learn difficult knowledge, having been shown alphabet letters to how letters sound, to avoid boredom children would soon teach themselves to read difficult words, teach themselves to perform basic maths; read all types of information material, thinking out where knowledge could be used. That no enquiry would be too difficult to explore. A television series entitled “Young Sheldon” home schooled by his mother, how Sheldon’s mother is god fearing religious while Sheldon indicates all the opposite characteristics, one must assume Sheldon learnt through book reading rather than from Sheldon’s mother’s instructed by local education department guidelines talk and chalk Texas accent teaching. 

I also believe on having spoken to many adults, most adults soon turn angry when confronted with the mildest serious unknown technical engineering information which could dispute existing believed media mythology, my best example being no person has walked on the moon’s surface. Once listeners hear such statements listeners quickly walk away. Any adult with an ounce of evolutionary childhood brain stimuli chemical positive reinforcement curiosity would at least desire to hear engineering difficulties to why no man has walked on the moon’s surface. Again fear of not knowing quick response to escape torturous thought has listeners quickly escaping listening to more/further stated new information.

My many theories to why school education has seriously altered human psychological desires for learning behaviour pathways, that school education has over many years, progressively traumatised children’s desires to learn new information, many children may be content to process reading material and practice handwriting skills, yet remembering new difficult to subconsciously process and remember are traumatising experiences. Understanding complex information should be a gradual learning process, I say school education is denying children from experiencing gradual complex learning, as teenagers move into higher education needing to understand complex theories, the lack of complex theory awareness making understanding higher education complex theories difficult to understand as no memory comparisons aid understanding, many students fail examinations, that students paying for higher education complex knowledge when much of the complex knowledge could have been understood during childhood years. A fictional television character Young Sheldon indicates how. Young Sheldon also indicates how learning is specialised to limited ideas, that merely because a child is good at one awareness, Sheldon is extremely ignorant at many other social behaviours, and that Sheldon's ability to remember to assimilate into North American culture human social analogy behaviours are very poor. That being a mathematical genius doesn’t mean everything else is merely as easy to learn.

Many children are diagnosed with ADHD at the age of seven years, that being children whom first attend school around age five years, children sit in same visually seen environment classroom for six hours a day five days per week for several months. Children aren’t allowed to talk to each other unless instructed. Learnt knowledge has no specific particular behaviour to be used memorised ideas which relates to future employment other than sitting in chairs and spelling words. All learnt and tested subjects are mere opportunities to practice spelling and simple ideas comprehension, that examinations are based on questions which mostly requires memorised names and dates data. That simple memorised data gets poor achieving students over the pass the examination line, Evolutionary learning pathway has been changed from gradual time used memorising progress depth in information to school education’s long hours of punishing mental stress trauma, trauma memory attachments to simple information data memorising that mental stress punishes childhood evolutionary learning. Brain chemicals evolutionary used to reward children’s successful learning behaviours are used to reward children’s self-medication from school education mental stress avoiding trauma awareness tactics: cortisol induced adrenaline hyperactivity turned towards sports activities and eventual adults accepting physical exhausting manual labours; focusing attentions away from serious work towards opportunities for fun and laughter induced chemical stimuli in the company of other similar character people; school tasks corners cutting to complete tasks without significantly reducing future task grade scores. As school learning is mentally stressful, that learning something new requires increased subconscious processing formulation and memorising, new ideas subconscious processing increases mental stress anxiety, awareness of new ideas information cannot be processed in normal already understood processing time periods, human brain fear of not quickly understanding knowledge fight or flight reactions with fear of teachers time limit demands to perform, human behaviours can freely develop Bipolar disorder angers to prevent awareness of learning new ideas trauma.

Readers having red down this reading this far, are I believe aren’t convinced, asking for evidence to reduce their own learning subconscious memory processing new ideas traumas. I state that readers new information processing traumas in itself is an explanation of evidence that much of human western world working class educated populations are highly dysfunctional, the movie “The Wolf Of Wall Street” excuse for human advancement behaviours needs psychological evaluation. A point being the movie "The Wolf Of Wall Street" is so over the top, actors characters pumped up with adrenaline, making money, reality must be something different.

My added theory beliefs that corporate and real long time establishment government leaders believe an ADHD attention deficit hyperactive working class are ideal for limited intelligence work force needed to do low to no real skills manual labours that’s often physically exhausting work. Workers having obtained manual labours employment have little thinking ability due to having ADHD to obtain better paying, less physically exhausting employment. On having poor ability to leave undesired work, poor thinking ability to predict the future allows men to take on partner relationships having children, whom require consistent wage incomes to maintain the happy family life style. Where any thinking person not having to constantly self-medicate, awareness of over physical exhaustion, thinking person would be planing to change employment to easier work practices as soon as their saved wealth permits, increased numbers of men wouldn’t chance being held back by family obligation expenses dependency.

Men with family financial obligations held in undesired physically exhausting employment, self-medicating physical exhaustion using alcohol and/or illegal drugs are more likely to be involved in (causing) family violence abuse.

One hundred years ago, alcohol consumption with associated employment trades: serving; production; growing grains and grapes; alcohol containers… were major employment opportunities. Women’s demands for laws banning the production and sale of alcohol products USA history refers to as Prohibition, didn’t stop USA nation wide consumption of alcohol, I speculate the on going illegal sales for human consumption of alcohol within nightclubs was financed by a hidden wealthy class to maintain the working class limited ability to think better skills sense, that the wealthy ruling class feared losing control of the political system’s limited services supplied to a working class, that without working class dependence on alcohol consumption killing brain cells, a sober working class may want better working conditions and/or shorter working weekly hours, which at the time working class worked ten hours per full working day five and a half days per week. It only takes a few sober thinking workers to start a working class revolution to that compared to a Russian Revolution.

As post Vietnam War populations’ alcohol consumption statistics figures indicates reduced alcohol consumption, many world wide countries working class consumption of illegal drugs and doctor prescribed opioid drugs addiction consumption has increased. Only several countries are responsible for growing the raw plant materials to produce illegal drugs, yet raw growing plant materials to produce most popular illegal drugs remain stable year after year. I speculate any war on drugs only effects small private smuggling illegal drugs concerns not being protected by a world wealthy class establishment, whom use Darwin theory natural selection survival of the fittest justification, to set up the weak minded to fail, that the strong minded will succeed. School education mental stress allows slow learners to be the weak minded unfortunates enslaved in brain chemical stimuli, leading to more adult using self-enslaving illegal drug addictions dependence. I have no supporting evidence to support the above theory, yet media frequent political scandals convince school educated people to believe if something was seriously wrong in society, citizens would read and/or hear about serious wrong doings, propaganda. Drug addiction is a social society problem, I claim most drug addictions are mostly caused by government controlled school education, students need to self-medicate long hours of learning traumas, etc..

Middle of the nineteenth century Britain was growing opioid in India, selling opioid to Chinese workers to obtain silver, to buy Chinese products, shipping Chinese products to Britain. A short conflict resulted in Britain gets Hong Kong. In a world of increasing population growth of 7.4 billion people predicted to have no end number and limited resources to sell to people wanting to buy something which reduces awareness of school education mental depression (PTSD) and provides lasting awareness of failed not consistent enough self-medicating brain chemical rewards... illegal drug dependence adds increasing fears of being court by police in possession of illegal drugs.

During the twentieth century, radio media I would listen to, communicated statements that the CIA was responsible for getting Vietnam American soldiers addicted to illegal drugs, which is how much of today’s drug addiction Western culture came from. The movie “The Expendables” Stallone movie, mission was to kill a CIA agent who on being spoken to, the CIA man was assigned by the CIA to organise to grow and smuggle cocaine to North America. Yes the move story is fiction, when thinking people are drawn by selective media towards listening to media scare stories that some Apocalypse events going to happen, “we know you know too much, we won’t mess you around” then to be messed around, threatened not to tell people. I am suggesting that impossible fake spacecraft probe stories known to be impossible by truly capable thinking people are future confidence gaining stories on statements that media spacecraft stories are fake stories told to badly educated traumatised people whom believe everything media reports.

I state any evidence readers require to my above statements, readers merely have to remind themselves of capitalist modern first world countries opioid and other addiction problems working class suffer from, I state are primarily caused by thirteen years of school education learning, I state “children are being educated to keep themselves dumb” not through the obvious idea of forcing children and teenagers to learn nothing of real knowledgeable value, instead forced education increasing mental stress traumas becomes the childhood bad feeling human behaviours need to repress learning trauma memories similar to early childhood one event bad memory repressed trauma.

Mental Depression is a feeling of depression, that I state as television media talk programs talk about population percentages of known people suffering from depression, conversations are more awareness than reasons for ‘why’ what causes many adults and children to suffer from depression. My time spent listening to such serious topic discussion talk programs, whether: drug addiction; mental illnesses; mental depression; ADHD attention deficit and hyperactivity; bipolar disorders; delusional beliefs… even though school education mental stress is rarely mentioned even when not talking about the many stated topics about mental illnesses, school education is not mentioned to be responsible or even partly responsible. Listening, listeners hearing probable mental depression could well be caused by childhood mental stress, school mental stresses are not associated with adult causes of mental depression, ex-military personnel suffering from mental depression PTSD, no indicated forced behaviour causes while employed in the military are mentioned.

Depression speaks for it’s own symptoms, “de” or “re” that sub-pressing badly felt memories, the memories being repressed are similar to the early explanation of one bad event repressed memory needing psychological practitioners help to desensitise bad feeling awareness and evolution’s natural repression of bad and pointless information behaviour learning.

I theorise having heard a comment that marriage and mere relationship emotional dependence breakups can trigger mental depression, my added comment that as change of repetitious lifestyle requires rethinking their life style choices where mere thinking new ideas causes forced repressing thinking traumas, people of habit now needing to think, that new habit ideas need to reappraise old habits... is enough to cause increased mental depression awareness, which sufferers opted out of by using doctor’s prescribed medication, prescribed drugs medicated adults often becoming dependant on opioid drugs leading to addiction and/or finding ways to re-establish old lost habits with new relationship partners. This lack of intelligent thought caused by school education’s lack of relevant discussion on causes of problems instead only mentioning that named headlined problems exist. 

If knowledge is mere data, unless data can be used to formulate new ideas or to merely express ideas exist, than learnt remembered data is little more than creating a numbered score to evaluate individuals ability to remember pointless data under repressing subconscious memory processing behaviours, how long bad feeling memories can be kept before eventually being successfully forgotten.

An A grade student aged to adulthood on being asked a question which requires more than one answer, several answered could be concluded, which weren't previously expressed in books or verbally, may find answering such questions difficult.

Asking students how they feel about school, media and/or education administrators will interview high performing achiever students, broadcasting mostly favourable comments with less positive comments to allow comments to be seen as expressed evenly.

A quick summery:

Young children are forced to remember simple ideas made difficult to remember as child intelligence emotional decision making what feels good remembering ability, what feels bad repressing remembering ability, that as mental stress due to too many long hours of listening to teacher’s talk and chalk statements spoken at too fast a speed, that switching curriculum subjects before subconscious memory processing are completed creating shallow incomplete learning to reduce information down to basic data, which over time repetition programs children to process information into shallow ideas memories. Hurrying to finish set time tasks encourages task short cuts and repression of day dream independent thought creativity which could have significant intelligent value, by repressing day dreaming thought provoking ideas into conscious awareness, as children realise day dreaming thoughts are preventing classroom tasks from being completed, children become aware day dreaming thought activities should be repressed. Reading short sentences from chalkboards using internal voice, holding red short sentence as a memory until sentence is written into a text book, then to read another sentence to be copied into a text book, probable repressing previously remembered sentence, repeated many times for a number of hours, the value of information used as questions during examinations, excuses, red short sentences conclusions will not be ideally comprehended while copying, that many examinations happen within a limited time from each subject examination, that written text books won’t be red until within several days of each subject examination, that existing daily schooling continues as examinations are taken, adding more pressure to existing anxiety, increasing learning traumas, further destroying childhood curiosity. By the end of each school day, daily built up stress persuades children to distract mental stress traumas using load music and/or hyperactivity sports: basket ball; soccer practice; skate board riding; etc.,… that probable intelligent evaluations are repressed as subconscious memory processing are repressed on feeling something new is being learnt.

On the first day of school, children are being evaluated for reading ability. Children whom have learnt to read before that first day of school, are placed in A grade classes, while the children whom have not been shown how to read by parents, are placed in lower than A grade classes, where teachers read stories to children without children seeing words being red, eventually children are asked to spell words, write down words as though children were reading words from a chalkboard, before writing words into text books, many children merely copying down memorised groups of letters, having their time wasted. Within two years of that first day attending school, many children could be diagnosed with ADHD. On witnessing children in playgrounds, many children could be seen as hyperactive, attempting to self-medicate using hyperactive fun activities, easily becoming angry when events aren’t going to plan, bipolar behaviours. Children grown into adulthood, adults have self-programmed fixed social behaviours, many adults laughing and smiling attempting to be positive, that, someone similar to myself, begin a knowledgeable complex conversation based on my example of no person has walked on the moon’s surface, as conversation topic events aren’t listeners preferred listening to conversation, adults quickly walk away. Hence my headline statement which I posted on education forum September 2020: “school education is designed to teach children to keep themselves dumb”. Several posts later I was banned from posting further posts on the entire website for reasons of: spam.

Children whom are good readers learnt to read prier to first attending school, are having their learning ability progress repressed by the limited ideas due to youthful age excuses, that increased homework knowledge frustrating and punishing childhood curiosity, repetitive tasks blocking individual self-thought awareness, needs to stop day dreaming to complete classroom tasks and increased homework studying and copying, children’s thinking skills are being blocked by probable children’s intelligence to think that early childhood need to complete teacher’s assigned tasks, by the end of each school day, keeping the remaining day simple to reduce subconscious memory thinking new information processing traumas.

Again, people in charge of education curriculum are designing subjects to merely keep children dumb, providing a simple intelligence work force. As children are being educated not to doubt school teacher's political history and media news propaganda, as grown adults, adults believe media scandals as true not faked propaganda stories. In times of war, school educated listeners will not think to believe opposing countries are warring with each other to kill people because population increasing percentages growth will in the future exceeded future food resource production predictions. That the period wars are in progress, women are having fewer child births, that men and women are kept apart from each other, reducing long term population growth. The population of Germany before WWII began has rarely been mentioned, myself hearing pre-war German population was something like eighty million, a drama about German prisoners mentioned one hundred million Germans. An SBS television Japanese pre WWII B/W film news subtitled scene stated “it was time one hundred million Japanese went to war” to that effect. Important statements yet most educated adults equipped with childhood repression intelligence would rather not care to believe such population growth statements needing war solutions conclusions.

School education destroys self-esteem. Mental stress awareness resembling fear, cortisol plus… traumatised subconscious memory processing caused by teachers adult speed spoken instructions, made worse when new information needs to be subconsciously processed into relevant memories making answering teacher’s questions quick and easy, that school children have no choice other than to listen to teachers, as though keeping up with teachers spoken sentences was the difference between knowing information to preform in examinations as other students eventually will be aware of every other students examination scores, the fear of low scores destroys children competitive self-esteem. As grown adults, learning new information, memories of low scores embarrassment and/or teachers new information presentations, in an environment of not needing to learn new information, adults feeling school learning traumas, the feeling similar fear also resembles (before first attending school learning) fear meaning being incorrect, what caused fear merely means ideas need to be ignored. As I introduce theories on why no man has landed and walked on the moon’s surface, adults new information traumas, refuse to believe nor care to listen to my stated theories, allowing themselves to feel correct by quickly rejecting listening to any and all theories to why man has not walked on the moon’s surface.

A grade educated adults are more likely to reject theories, feeling competitive winning arguments, as all learnt news stories used to play teacher question and answer games were true facts, because media presented stories have images, children believe man walked on the moon similar to children believed in god, as many adults can’t help not believing a magical god exists.

I state it would be easier to convince an aged five year old child that no man walked on the moon than an aged seven years old child as many seven year old children have significantly more ADHD than aged five year old children.

Too many long hours of schooling teaching simple information. Alternatively, with fewer hours and slower speech speed sentence teaching, taught information could be more complex, allowing children to subconsciously process memories. As I state school education is designed to traumatise children’s learning and thinking abilities, governments can send men off to wars without correct reasons why, that wars are about human sacrifice; that limited resources (coal) need to be preserved for future generations, instead Apocalypse climate change global warming concerns are stated.

Teenagers in need of after school distractions from increasing awareness of mental stress traumas, find medicating distraction with listening to load music, that as music has few to no intelligent thinking information, mere load sound tunes which can fill memories with unusable information, long term teenagers are learning curriculum information that has few to no thinking skills to obtain employment, that many teenagers have to be trained in employment tasks through short trade courses exampling waitress tasks taking food orders.

Teenagers and young adults desires to attend crowded music concerts, travelling distances only to stand in crowded, load noisy halls or farm fields, listening to music musicians moving jumping around no stages, school traumatised brains distracted by loud noise and constant visual movement brain chemical stimuli boosting delusional self-dancing movement pleasures. Most irrational too many people movement fear environment adrenaline fuelled hyperactive behaviours used to self-mediate awareness of school learning traumas mental depression.

Having ADHD maybe good for playing ball game sports, yet while doing complex tasks, stopping to think how best to do complex decision tasks, attention deficit and hyperactivity responses school learnt behaviour quickness to complete tasks can have tasks poorly completed. Escaping traumatising thought to self-medicate using fun, reduces efficiency.

Narcissism competition need to win to self-gratify narcissists delusional belief in their own superior intelligence compared to other known people, the feeling of being smarter than a person narcissists are standing next to, that early primary school teacher question and answer sessions based around trivial knowledge, reinforces students chemical reward stimuli when being chosen to answer questions correctly or to merely hear that their own answers were stated to be correct once having been notified by teacher's believed answers were correct while other students answer teacher's questions correctly. As adults, knowing trivial knowledge becomes a positive stimuli, that feeling known knowledge is correct in black and white context fuels narcissism behaviours. Narcissism self-awareness aids in inducing reward brain chemicals needed to control school learning repressed memories (mental depression) school learning traumas, that being found to be incorrect when considering something of importance can deflate narcissist’s belief in themselves, exampling a broken marriage, triggering periods of increased mental depression, leading to doctor’s prescribed opioid medication, depending on circumstances, could eventually lead to opioid drug addictions. What is determined as narcissism, that I state there’s a degree of narcissism in all of us, when feeling insulted by other people.

Narcissists don’t often achieve anything new compared to people not considered as narcissists, as narcissists don’t like to discover they can’t do what they believe they can do, that whatever career they’re in, narcissists feel career tasks are beneath their perceived abilities.

Example: I know a man who his ex-wife when he was married to her, she was persistently calling him a bighead. I have argued with him that the Apple computer logo of an apple with a mouth bite removed, the idea logo came from the Garden of Eden forbidden fruit of knowledge picked from the tree of good and evil. He in reply quotes Steve Jobs account of how he Steve Jobs saw an apple with a bite missing placed on a table concluding an apple with a bite removed would be a good logo. I stated I believe the apple came from the Garden of Eden story, that the Jobs story was a miss-direction story, that Jobs and company were having a joke on society. My bighead friend refuses to even consider speculating my view of events has any truth. I state his narcissism personality refuses to lose an argument refuses to believe he was incorrect in believing word for word Steve Jobs posted account of events story.

Enthusiasm for young school students to play teacher question and answer games, that class students watching television news and/or reading news media to be prepared to answer teachers questions, children are reducing news information with any probable thinkable content down to simple answers to simple to understand questions. Learning to read merely supports reading news propaganda political stories side lined with law and order criminal stories, both resembling Shakespeare rich people and royal character plays, royal politics and murder stories. Simplifying stories down into answers to questions becomes “A” grade students successful high grade scores periodic examinations. High achieving students fuelled by competitive narcissism are students that learn to ignore ideas to reduce time spent thinking about what’s being read in order to reduce increasing mental stress.

When typing up readings, offering readings to be understood, A grade students only care to check readings for spelling mistakes and perceived mistakes in gramma. Not caring to spend time thinking about whatever readings were meant to convey.

As my above readings have few easy to remember: dates; names of places; names of people... other than mentioning Shakespeare, people educated to succeed in examinations, feel confused on having little point simple information objectives, feeling insecure and/or anxious, rejecting above reading as false, BS, feeling better for their disregarding judgements.

Teacher question answer games children keen to play the game to increase brain chemical rewards: dopamine; endorphins… for answering teacher questions correctly and/or at least knowing correct answers. As religious education used religious stories to teach young children information, sins forgiveness, the existence of heaven and hell, using question and answer stimuli to emotionally prove bible stories were from god’s profits. Modern school education using television political and crime news stories propaganda, keen children wanting to participate to increase self-esteem are being programmed to believe news stories are real, yet children also don’t care about information children merely want to win, be a winner in the perceptions of remaining classroom children. As adults believe media stories propaganda first assumptions, not caring to express the same information with friends, yet when being challenged on the truth of selective stories, a competitive instinct to win and not wanting to feel they were incorrect in knowing stories perceived assumptions, reject any new interpretation of believed media stories. The most enthusiastic students wanting to play teacher question answer games I assume would be A grade students. As adults these same enthusiastic children wanting to feel like winners, the narcissism content wants to feel superior to other people, yet learns to not contribute individual ideas, less ideas will be met with embarrassing criticism, and/or will have to defend introduced ideas to avoid feeling being incorrect. As media news story ideas are limited I suggest news editors choose stories which limit listener’s thought processes, keeping news ideas simple to be quickly understood, being that few news stories exceed three minutes time limit before beginning new easy to comprehend stories: murder; political embarrassments; crime; gambling; famous people stories; sports results; space probes; few acceptions to rolled over stories.

Rare comments can be heard from media that the quality of education can be determined by post codes. During the 1980s Sydney Australia, if you left your motor vehicle parked in the street over night in the suburb of St Marys, the vehicle would surely be stolen. If you left your vehicle parked in the streets of Sans Souci as many people who did because the many lived in unit blocks only had one garage for each unit vehicle. My stated theory being local schools were more punishing to students living at and near St Marys, the area was determined to be as working class teachers to be more forceful, angering students, students walking streets at night looking for trouble coming across vehicle to steal and strip. Many students as adult ending in jail, providing reasons to have law enforcement and prison guards employment. The fewer adults in law enforcement and crime, alternatively, the more adults will enter military services.

Teachers forced pointless information resulting in students' repressed anger, students would rather be seen as being funny and/or a bully either way have more fun than being angry. Making people murder each other in periods of war. A culture of competition sport was used in military training, show in Monty Python movie The Meaning Of Life, the scene where school boys were playing football suddenly the next scene has British soldiers fighting Germans in the First World War.

Governments conducting NAPLAN world examinations to gage many countries basic academic skills, Australia frequently comes in twenty seven down the list. State governments stating they’re not happy with NAPLAN examination results, add increased budgeted money to education, increase the number of teachers, reduce classroom student numbers to a teacher, Ex-federal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull suggests ‘lowering the age young children first attend school, to give children a good head start’. All these teachers are employment opportunities lowering unemployment figures, giving many school students a choice of careers to aim for. Even though numbers of students per teacher have reduced, student NAPLAN examination results have not improved. Taking people from farm land to reside in cities, finding employment for city dwellers for not only males as had been done sixty years ago, baby boom generation women have been employed in many employment opportunities, one employment opportunity of which is school education, created more university teachers since 1970, keeping students in education institutions, students paying thousands of dollars in fees to perform tasks which could be learnt on the job and/or red out of books, that teacher lectures merely add more student talk and chalk traumas, putting up repressing trauma barriers to learning, extending students time in years and fees attending university. Women in employment and both women and men held in a learning institutions reduces population growth, allowing immigration from over populated countries: India and China… arrive in Australia as university fee paying students, on graduation apply to stay in Australia as working university educated professionals. With no statistics as evidence, long term highly educated degreed adults have fewer children compared to poorly educated traumatised Australian manual workers. As women use their educated profession to earn money than to have several babies to look after.

USA president O’Bama introduced “no child left behind” demands on USA schools to perform or else be shut down. Donald Trump’s 2017 Jan 20 inaugural speech stated education was flashed with cash producing no real benefits that it had to stop. The following paragraph was about cities inner city drug addiction problems that if Trump states he did more for African Americans than past presidents, media seems to ignore what was done, I claim from a USA documentary on drugs unfair sentencing laws targeting crack users whom are mostly Negro Americans, USA states police were harassing Negro Americans into inner city slums where buying illegal drugs was easier than other places of residence. Trump states he got rid of O’Bama’s “no child left behind” laws, such statements, indicate a knowledge that school education is used to alter children’s thinking intelligence.

The general news media short Shakespearian theme statements ignore any depth in what leaders hidden agenda intended strategies. Known yet ignored events left to Michael Moore documentary movies to tell, shown on less concerning to more serious news stories media broadcasters, documentaries occasionally shown on Australian SBS television and streaming service.

Most to almost all readers on understanding and believing above readings, will soon begin to forget detailed theories which is why theories were repeated using new sentences with other ideas. Most to all most all readers will begin to believe media caring concerning propaganda stories, reversing believing most to all of what’s been red above. Those human brain emotional decision making behaviours, and felt anxiety of being told a life time of fake news stories, life feels better not to care about my above theories. Yet if you care, have an ability to hold ideas, dwell on ideas to reinforce memories, I assume you can use what’s understood to your long term thinking ability advantage.

The End.

Signed: steve9

Please feel free to inform friends and/or repost readings, copy readings, Twitter, whatever works, no copyright or prending copyright restictions apply.

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